Proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Higher Education in Africa.
Role of higher education in national development in Africa / Djibril Fall (5 p.). --Potentials of universities in multisectoral action in health at the community level / Victor Agbessi (8 p.). --Critical study of trends observed in central African universities and research institutes / Ewane Kange (18 p.). --Higher education in Ethiopia / Taye Gulilat (8 p.). --Contribution of higher education to the endogenous development of Africa : the case of Uganda / George Kirya (4 p.). --Some problems in higher education in Africa / Abdel Morein Satti (5 p.). --Preparation of teachers of African universities / A. Babs Fafunwa (8 p.). --Problems and direction for training and research in higher education in water resources in Africa / Kwame A Tuffuor (8 p.). Strategies for an increased operation and efficiency / Sega Seck Fall (11 p.). --Improvement of training at the post-graduate level / Keto E Mshigeni (14 p.). --Higher education teachers : problems and opportunities / Pierrette Kone (16 p.). --Higher education and the search for a relevant curriculum / Carmen Sengova (7 p.). --Production of manuals, other documents and teaching material / T Tshibangu (4 p.). --Production of textbooks for higher education / Harouna Traore (2 p.). --Ways of exchanging documents / Bernard Lam (4 p.). --Common use of resources / Réginald F Amonoo (5 p.). --Common use of resources in higher education in Africa / Grace Alele Williams (6 p.). Common use of resources for the improvement of higher education / K Kosso-Thomas (7 p.). --Common use of available resources in higher education / Theodoros Solomon (3 p.). --Regional cooperation in Southern Africa / Walter J Kamba (5 p.). --Defence of theses in doctorate and harmonisation of accreditation at different levels of training and competence / Samuel Millogo (8 p.). --Trends in inter-university cooperation in the south west Indian Ocean Islands / François Rajaoson (9 p.). --Staff exchange, regional training programmes and research networks / Edward R Rhodes (13 p.). --Contribution of higher education to endogenous development in Africa : the case of Lesotho / Zakaria A Matsela (8 p.). --Different issues relating to the renovation of programmes / A. Babs Fafunwa (20 p.). --Reseachers' training at the Institute Cheikh Anta Diop / Abdoulaye Bara Diop (4 p.). --Faculties of arts and research for development : tranformation or reform? / Aloyse Raymond Ndiaye (5 p.). --Conditions and objectives of a reform / Christian Sina Diatta (3 p.). --Articulation of curricula between university and secondary level education / Alaric Boma (2 p.). --Dilemma of African education in universities / Twum Barima (2 p.). --Culture and higher education : the experience of Sierra Leone / C. Magbaily Fyle (12 p.).
Education, Higher -- Africa -- Planning -- Congresses.
Education, Higher -- Aims and objectives -- Africa -- Congresses.