Theory and applications of transport in porous media,
volume 30
0924-6118 ;
1. Introduction -- 2. Classification -- 3. Particles, water, air -- 4. Stresses in soils -- 5. Stresses in a layer -- 6. Darcy?s law -- 7. Permeability -- 8. Groundwater flow -- 9. Flotation -- 10. Flow net -- 11. Flow towards wells -- 12. Stress strain relations -- 13. Tangent modulus -- 14. One-dimensional compression -- 15. Consolidation -- 16. Analytical solution -- 17. Numerical solution -- 18. Consolidation coefficient -- 19. Creep -- 20. Shear strength -- 21. Triaxial test -- 22. Shear test -- 23. Pore pressures -- 24. Undrained behaviour of soils -- 25. Stress paths -- 26. Elastic stresses and deformations -- 27. Boussinesq -- 28. Newmark -- 29. Flamant -- 30. Layered soil -- 31. Lateral stresses -- 32. Rankine -- 33. Coulomb -- 34. Tables for lateral earth pressure -- 35. Sheet pile walls -- 36. Blum -- 37. Sheet pile wall in layered soil -- 38. Limit analysis -- 39. Strip footing -- 40. Prandtl -- 41. Limit theorems for frictional materials -- 42. Bearing capacity -- 43. Vertical slope in cohesive material -- 44. Stability of infinite slope -- 45. Slope stability -- 46. Soil exploration -- 47. Model tests -- 48. Pile foundations -- Appendix A. Stress analysis -- Appendix B. Theory of elasticity -- Appendix C. Theory of plasticity -- Answers to problems -- References -- Author Index -- Subject Index.
This textbook offers a superb introduction to theoretical and practical soil mechanics. Special attention is given to the risks of failure in civil engineering, and themes covered include stresses in soils, groundwater flow, consolidation, testing of soils, and stability of slopes. Readers will learn the major principles and methods of soil mechanics, and the most important methods of determining soil parameters both in the laboratory and in situ. The basic principles of applied mechanics, that are frequently used, are offered in the appendices. The author?s considerable experience of teaching soil mechanics is evident in the many features of the book: it is packed with supportive color illustrations, helpful examples and references. Exercises with answers enable students to self-test their understanding and encourage them to explore further through additional online material. Numerous simple computer programs are provided online as Electronic Supplementary Material. & n bsp; As a soil mechanics textbook, this volume is ideally suited to supporting undergraduate civil engineering students.