Introduction -- Sustainable Development -- Background and Context -- Transformational Sustainability.-Research Methodology -- Green and Sustainable Chemistry -- Sustainability and Ecosystems.-Sustainability Assessment of Technologies -- Corporate Sustainability Management -- Sustainable Development in Economics -- Sustainable Development and Law -- Finance and Sustainability.-Sustainability -- Politics and Governance -- Sustainability Communication -- Sustainability and Science Policy -- Justice and Sustainability -- Sustainability Ethics -- Ocean Space and Sustainability -- Sustainable Landscape Development -- Sustainable Development and Material Flows -- Sustainable Energy Systems.-Sustainability and Health -- Mobility and Sustainability -- International Development and Sustainability.-Tourism and Sustainability -- Consumption and Sustainability -- Climate Change -- Responding to a Major Challenge for Sustainable Development -- Art and Sustainability -- Teaching and Learning in Sustainability Science -- Education for Sustainable Development -- Problem-based and Project-based Learning for Sustainable Development -- Science for Sustainability -- A Societal and Political Perspective.
This textbook provides a comprehensive compilation of conceptual perspectives, methodological approaches and empirical insights of inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability science. Written by an international team of authors from leading sustainability institutions, the textbook covers key perspectives and topics of the scientific discourse on sustainable development. More than two decades after conceptualizing sustainability as societal guiding vision and regulative idea the necessity of concretizing and realizing sustainability in societal praxis is bigger than ever. Sharply improved individual and societal sustainable decision-making and action is necessary for a better future of humankind and the planet. On that account problem- and solution-oriented perspectives and competencies are crucial. The different chapters assemble an encompassing view of essential foundations and specific areas of research and action in sustainability science and practice. The textbook aims at fostering the further establishment of sustainability science in higher education and to enable the next generation of sustainability experts to tackle the challenging and exciting topic of sustainable development.
Environmental geology.
Social sciences.
Sustainable development.
Earth & Environmental Sciences.
Environmental geology.
Environmental Sciences.
Social sciences.
Sustainable development.
Heinrichs, Harald.
Martens, Willem Jozef Meine,1968-
Michelsen, Gerd.
Wiek, Arnim.
École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts (France)