We study the masses of the low-lying charm and bottom mesons within the framework of heavy-hadron chiral perturbation theory. We work to third order in the chiral expansion, where meson loops contribute. In contrast to previous approaches, we use physical meson masses in evaluating these loops. This ensures that their imaginary parts are consistent with the observed widths of the D-mesons. The lowest odd- and even-parity, strange and non-strange mesons provide enough constraints to determine only certain linear combinations of the low-energy constants (LECs) in the effective Lagrangian. We comment on how lattice QCD could provide further information to disentangle these constants. Then we use the results from the charm sector to predict the spectrum of odd- and even-parity of the bottom mesons. The predicted masses from our theory are in good agreement with experimentally measured masses for the case of the odd-parity sector. For the even-parity sector, the
EFT ; B meson ; chiral Perturbation Theory ; Heavy Hadron chiral Perturbation Theory ; Heavy Meson chiral Perturbation Theory ; Exotic meson ; X(3872) ; Charm mesons ; Heavy quark symmetry ; power counting ; XEFT