Includes bibliographical references (pages 741-830) and index.
""Cover""; ""Title""; ""Copyright""; ""Contents""; ""List of Figures""; ""List of Tables""; ""List of Plates""; ""Preface""; ""Chapter 1 Southern India""; ""1.1 Geology and Crustal Evolution""; ""Introduction""; ""Peninsular Gneiss and Granitoids of Western Dharwar""; ""Western Dharwar Schist Belts""; ""Peninsular Gneiss and the Granitoids of Eastern Dharwar""; ""Eastern Dharwar Schist Belts""; ""Kimberlites and Lamproites""; ""Western and Eastern Dharwar Blocks: Similarity, Contrast and Relationship""; ""Southern Granulite Province (SGP)""; ""Proterozoic�Eocambrian Cover Sequences""
""1.2 Metallogeny""""Introduction""; ""Mineralisation in Sargur Type Schist Belts""; ""Ore Mineralisation in the Dharwar Schist Belts""; ""Ore Mineralisation in Southern Granulitic Province (SGP)""; ""Mineralisation in and Around the Cuddapah Basin""; ""Mineralisation in the Bhima Basin""; ""Manganese Mineralisation in the PG Valley""; ""Diamonds""; ""Bauxite Deposits""; ""Chapter 2 Central India""; ""2.1 Geology and Crustal Evolution""; ""Introduction""; ""Southern (Bastar) Crustal Province (SCP)""; ""Northern (Bundelkhand) Crustal Province (NCP)""
""Evolutionary History of EGMB""""EGMB vis-a-vis East Gondwana Supercontinent""; ""3.2 Metallogeny""; ""Introduction""; ""Manganese Mineralisation""; ""Bauxite Deposits""; ""Other Minerals""; ""Chapter 4 Eastern India""; ""4.1 Geology and Crustal Evolution""; ""Introduction""; ""Archean Cratonic Nucleus""; ""Iron Ore Provinces and Other Sedimentary/Volcanisedimentary Belts in South Singhbhum-North Orissa""; ""North Singhbhum Mobile Belt""; ""Gangpur Group""; ""Chhotanagpur Granite�Gneiss Complex""
""Polymetallic Mineralisation in Sakoli Fold Belt""""Gold Mineralisation in Mahakoshal Belt""; ""(Zn�Cu�Pb) Sulphide Mineralisation in Betul Belt""; ""Manganese Mineralisations in the Sausar Group of Rocks""; ""Phosphorite Deposits in Madhya Pradesh""; ""Diamonds in Central India""; ""Bauxite Deposits in Central India""; ""Chapter 3 Eastern Ghat Belt""; ""3.1 Geology and Crustal Evolution""; ""Introduction""; ""Lateral Lithologic Zones""; ""Transverse Segments of EGMB""; ""Geological Framework""; ""Crustal Domains/Provinces in EGMB""; ""Geophysical Attributes of EGMB""
""Tectonic Models for Central Indian Precambrian Crust""""Proterozoic Cover Sediments in Central India""; ""Deccan Traps and Their Relation to Continental Flood Basalts""; ""2.2 Metallogeny""; ""Introduction""; ""Tin Mineralisation in Bastar""; ""Rare Metals (RM) and Rare Earth Element (REE) Mineralisations""; ""Iron ores of Dalli�Rajhara�Rowghat�Bailadila Belt""; ""Gold in Kotri Belt""; ""Gold in Sonakhan Greenstone Belt""; ""Gold in Raigarh Belt""; ""Copper�Molybdenum (�Gold) Mineralisation at Malanjkhand and Neighbouring Areas""; ""Uranium Mineralisation in Central India""
"Documents in detail the nature, origin and evolution of the Indian mineral deposits in the context of local and regional geology"--