Cover; Half-title; Title page; Copyright information; Contents; List of Contributors; Preface; Disclaimer; Chapter 1 General Approach to Traumatic Injuries; Introduction; The Trauma Team; Emergency Medical Services (EMS); Primary Survey; A -- Airway (Key Question: Do We Need to Take Control of the Airway Right Now?); B -- Breathing (Key Questions: Are Chest Tubes Required? Is There Bleeding in the Chest?); C -- Circulation (Key Question: Where Are They Bleeding and Do They Need Blood?); Hypotension/Shock; D -- Disability (Key Question: Is There a Major Neurologic Deficit?)
Balanced ResuscitationPrimary Literature for MTP; PROMMTT; PROPPR; When Should Massive Transfusion Be Activated?; How to Run MTP; Other Products; Tranexamic Acid (TXA); Calcium; PCC; Factor VII; Product Guided Resuscitation; Resuscitation Goals; Anticoagulants; Transfusion Complications; Controversies -- Whole Blood; References; Chapter 4 Trauma in Pregnancy; Epidemiology; Anatomical Changes in Pregnancy; Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy; Overview of Initial Evaluation and Management; Airway; Breathing; Circulation; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; Peri-Mortem Cesarean Section Procedure
Difficult IntubationDevices That Facilitate Intubation; Endotracheal Tube Introducer; Flexible Fiberoptic Bronchoscope (FFB); Devices That Temporarily Substitute for Endotracheal Intubation; Supraglottic Airways; Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA), the Intubating Laryngeal Mask Airway (ILMA), and the i-Gel; The Failed Airway; Surgical Airway; Conclusion; References; Chapter 3 Transfusion in Trauma; Introduction; Blood Products; Negatives of Crystalloid Resuscitation; Trauma Coagulopathy and the Lethal Triad; Damage Control Resuscitation; Permissive Hypotension; Minimal Volume Normotension
E -- Expose (Key Question: What Injuries Haven't Been Found Yet?)Secondary Survey; Imaging; Trauma Bay Imaging; CT Scans; Disposition and Ongoing Care; References; Chapter 2 Trauma Airway; Important Considerations for Airway Management in Trauma Patients; Consider Pre-existing Difficult Airway; Trauma Immobilization; Mechanical Distortion of the Airway and Contiguous Structures; Indications for Airway Intervention; Traumatic Injuries with Associated Difficult Airways; Closed Head Injury; Maxillofacial Trauma; Direct Airway Trauma; Cervical Spine Injury; Thoracic Trauma; Burns
Rapid-Sequence Intubation (RSI)Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI): The Technique; P -- Plan B; P -- Predict a Difficult Intubation; L -- Look Externally; E -- Evaluate Internally: The 3-3-2 Rule; M -- Mallampati; O -- Obstruction; N -- Neck mobility; S -- Saturation; P -- Prepare; P -- Preoxygenate; P -- Position; P -- Put to Sleep; P -- Paralyze; P -- Pass the Tube; Video Laryngoscopy; The GlideScope; The C-MAC; P -- Prove Placement; P -- Post-Intubation Management; Ventilator Settings; Post-Intubation Ventilator Settings; Post-Intubation Sedation/Analgesia; Post-Intubation Paralysis; P -- Problem Solving
Trauma is a leading cause of death and disability around the world, and the leading cause of death in those aged under forty-five years. Conditions such as airway obstruction, hemorrhage, pneumothorax, tamponade, bowel rupture, vascular injury, and pelvic fracture can cause death if not appropriately diagnosed and managed. This essential book provides emergency physicians with an easy-to-use reference and source for traumatic injury evaluation and management in the emergency department. It covers approaches to common, life-threatening, and traumatic diseases in the emergency department, for use on shift and as a reference for further learning. Each chapter includes a succinct overview of common traumatic injuries, with evaluation and management pearls and pitfalls. Highly illustrated with images from one of the busiest trauma centers in the US, and featuring expert contributions from a diverse set of attending physicians, this is an essential text for all emergency medicine practitioners.