Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1 Introduction; I; II; Note; Chapter 2 Empire; Empire and Civilization; The Geography of Empire: Land vs. Global Maritime Empires; The Governance of Empire; Two Models of Empire; Empires and Diversity; Notes; Chapter 3 Colony; The Temporality of Colonization; The Colony as Settlement; Colonization, Migration, and Indigenous Peoples; Colonizer and Colonized: Intimate Enemies; The Colony as Trading Factory; The Colony as the Laboratory of Modernity; Note; Chapter 4 Slavery and Race; Slavery; Race; Note.
Chapter 10 Neo-colonialism, Globalization, PlanetarityNeo-colonialism; Globalization: Free Trade and Advanced Technology; Economics; Politics and Human Rights; Resistance to Globalization; The University; The Anti-Globalization Movements; Islamism; Planetarity; Notes; Chapter 11 Postcolony; The Postcolony as Former Colony; Ethnic Diversity; Law, Education, and Language; The Settler Postcolony; The Postcolony as a Zone of Dysfunction; Notes; Chapter 12 Postcolonialism; Knowledge and Theory; Orientalism; Culture; Language and Translation; Race, Ethnicity, Identity; Subalternity; Indigeneity.
Chapter 5 Colonialism and ImperialismColonialism; Imperialism; Imperialism without Colonies; Chapter 6 Nation; The Nation as the Product of Colonial Expansion; The Nation and Human Rights; The Nation, Human Rights, and Slavery; Notes; Chapter 7 Nationalism; Chapter 8 Anticolonialism; Anticolonialism; Anticolonial Nationalism: Italy and Ireland; The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917; Strategies of Resistance: Rebellion or Reform; Culture as Soft Power; On National Culture; Chapter 9 Decolonization; Phase One: 1776-1826; Phase Two: 1826-1945; Phase Three: 1945-Present.
NomadismMigration; Notes; References; Name Index; Subject Index; EULA.
"Empire, Colony, Postcolony provides a clear exposition of the historical, political and ideological dimensions of colonialism, imperialism, and postcolonialism, with clear explanations of these categories, which relate their histories to contemporary political issues. The Book analyzes major concepts and explains the meaning of key terms. The first book to introduce the main historical and cultural parameters of the different categories of empire, colony, postcolony, nation and globalization and the ways in which they are analysed today Explains in clear and accessible language the historical and theoretical origins of post-colonial theory as well as providing a postcolonial perspective on the formations of the contemporary world Young is an acknowledged expert on postcolonialism "--
"The first book to introduce the main historical and cultural parameters of the different categories of empire, colony, and postcolony, and the ways in which they are analysed today"--