Intro; Table of Contents; List of Contributors; Preface; Framework Development; Overview of the Handbook; Reference; Glossary of Terms; Acknowledgements; Chapter 1: Organizational Structure; 1.1 Introduction to the Healthcare Industry; 1.2 Academic Medical Centers; 1.3 Community Hospitals and Physicians; 1.4 Conclusion; Chapter 2: Access to Healthcare; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Goals; 2.3 Opportunity for Action; Chapter 3: Market Design; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Matching Doctors to Residency Programs; 3.3 Kidney Exchange; References; Chapter 4: Competing Interests; 4.1 Introduction.
11.5 Discharge Planning11.6 Incentive, Behavioral, and Organizational Issues; 11.7 Future Directions; References; Chapter 12: Residential Care; 12.1 Overview of Home Care Delivery; 12.2 An Overview of Optimization Technology; 12.3 Territory Districting; 12.4 Provider-to-Patient Assignment; 12.5 Task Scheduling and Routing; 12.6 Perspectives; References; Chapter 13: Concierge Medicine; 13.1 Introduction; 13.2 Model Setup; 13.3 Concierge Option-No Abandonment; 13.4 Concierge Option-Abandonment; 13.5 Correlated Service Times and Waiting Costs; 13.6 MDVIP Adoption; 13.7 Research Opportunities.
4.2 The Literature on Competing Interests4.3 Examples; 4.4 Summary and Future Work; References; Chapter 5: Quality of Care; 5.1 Frameworks for Measuring Healthcare Quality; 5.2 Understanding Healthcare Quality: Classification of the Existing OR/MS Literature; 5.3 Open Areas for Future Research; 5.4 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 6: Personalized Medicine; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Sequential Decision Disease Models with Health Information Updates; 6.3 One-Time Decision Disease Models with Risk Stratification; 6.4 Artificial Intelligence-Based Approaches.
6.5 Conclusions and Emerging Future Research DirectionsReferences; Chapter 7: Global Health; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Funding Allocation in Global Health Settings; 7.3 Inventory Allocation in Global Health Settings; 7.4 Capacity Allocation in Global Health Settings; 7.5 Conclusions and Future Directions; References; Chapter 8: Healthcare Supply Chain; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Literature Review; 8.3 Model and Analysis; 8.4 Discussion and Future Research; Appendix; Acknowledgment; References; Chapter 9: Organ Transplantation; 9.1 Introduction.
9.2 The Deceased-Donor Organ Allocation System: Stakeholders and Their Objectives9.3 Research Opportunities in the Area; 9.4 Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 10: Ambulatory Care; 10.1 Introduction; 10.2 How Operations are Managed in Primary Care Practice; 10.3 What Makes Operations Management Difficult in Ambulatory Care; 10.4 Operations Management Models; 10.5 New Trends in Ambulatory Care; 10.6 Conclusion; References; Chapter 11: Inpatient Care; 11.1 Modeling the Inpatient Ward; 11.2 Inpatient Ward Policies; 11.3 Interface with ED; 11.4 Interface with Elective Surgeries.
How can analytics scholars and healthcare professionals access the most exciting and important healthcare topics and tools for the 21st century? Editors Tinglong Dai and Sridhar Tayur, aided by a team of internationally acclaimed experts, have curated this timely volume to help newcomers and seasoned researchers alike to rapidly comprehend a diverse set of thrusts and tools in this rapidly growing cross-disciplinary field. The Handbook covers a wide range of macro-, meso- and micro-level thrusts-such as market design, competing interests, global health, personalized medicine, residential care and concierge medicine, among others-and structures what has been a highly fragmented research area into a coherent scientific discipline. The handbook also provides an easy-to-comprehend introduction to five essential research tools-Markov decision process, game theory and information economics, queueing games, econometric methods, and data science-by illustrating their uses and applicability on examples from diverse healthcare settings, thus connecting tools with thrusts. The primary audience of the Handbook includes analytics scholars interested in healthcare and healthcare practitioners interested in analytics. This Handbook : Instills analytics scholars with a way of thinking that incorporates behavioral, incentive, and policy considerations in various healthcare settings. This change in perspective-a shift in gaze away from narrow, local and one-off operational improvement efforts that do not replicate, scale or remain sustainable-can lead to new knowledge and innovative solutions that healthcare has been seeking so desperately. Facilitates collaboration between healthcare experts and analytics scholar to frame and tackle their pressing concerns through appropriate modern mathematical tools designed for this very purpose. The handbook is designed to be accessible to the independent reader, and it may be used in a variety of settings, from a short lecture series on specific topics to a semester-long course.