6.5 Diffusion Length of Ga Adatoms 96 -- 6.6 Fine Control of Nanocolumn Arrays by SAG 98 -- 6.7 Controlled Columnar Crystals from Micrometer to Nanometer Size 100 -- 6.8 Nanotemplate SAG of AlGaN Nanocolumns 101 -- 6.9 Conclusions and Outlook 103 -- References 104 -- Part II MBE Technology for Electronic Devices Application 107 -- 7. MBE of III-Nitride Semiconductors for Electronic Devices 109 /Rolf J. Aidam, O. Ambacher, E. Diwo, B.-J. Godejohann, L. Kirste, T. Lim, R. Quay, and P. Waltereit -- 7.1 Introduction 109 -- 7.2 MBE Growth Techniques 110 -- 7.3 AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors on SiC Substrate 118 -- 7.4 AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors on Si Substrate 123 -- 7.5 HEMTs with Thin Barrier Layers for High-Frequency Applications 125 -- 7.6 Vertical Devices 130 -- References 132 -- 8. Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Steep Switching Tunnel FETs 135 /Salim El Kazzi -- 8.1 Introduction 135 -- 8.2 TFET Working Principle 136 -- 8.3 III-V Heterostructure for TFETs 136 -- 8.4 MBE for Beyond CMOS Technologies 138 -- 8.5 Doping 139 -- 8.6 Tunneling Interface Engineering 142 -- 8.7 MBE for III-V TFET Integration 143 -- 8.8 Conclusions and Perspectives 146 -- Acknowledgments 146 -- References 147 -- Part III MBE for Optoelectronic Devices 149 -- 9. Applications of III-V Semiconductor Quantum Dots in Optoelectronic Devices 151 /Kouichi Akahane and Yoshiaki Nakata -- 9.1 Introduction: Self-assembled Quantum Dots 151 -- 9.2 Lasers Based on InAs Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs Substrates 152 -- 9.3 InAs QD Optical Device Operating at Telecom Band (1.55 m) 158 -- 9.4 Recent Progress in QD Lasers 164 -- 9.5 Summary 165 -- References 165 -- 10. Applications of III-V Semiconductors for Mid-infrared Lasers 169 /Yuichi Kawamura -- 10.1 Introduction 169 -- 10.2 GaSb-Based Lasers 170 -- 10.3 InP-Based Lasers 170 -- 10.4 InAs-Based Lasers 173 -- 10.5 Conclusion 174 -- References 174 -- 11. Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers 175 /Harvey E. Beere and David A. Ritchie.
Covers both the fundamentals and the state-of-the-art technology used for MBE Written by expert researchers working on the frontlines of the field, this book covers fundamentals of Molecular Beam Epitaxy "MBE" technology and science, as well as state-of-the-art MBE technology for electronic and optoelectronic device applications. MBE applications to magnetic semiconductor materials are also included for future magnetic and spintronic device applications. Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Materials and Applications for Electronics and Optoelectronics is presented in five parts: Fundamentals of MBE; MBE technology for electronic devices application; MBE for optoelectronic devices; Magnetic semiconductors and spintronics devices; and Challenge of MBE to new materials and new researches. The book offers chapters covering the history of MBE; principles of MBE and fundamental mechanism of MBE growth; migration enhanced epitaxy and its application; quantum dot formation and selective area growth by MBE; MBE of III-nitride semiconductors for electronic devices; MBE for Tunnel-FETs; applications of III-V semiconductor quantum dots in optoelectronic devices; MBE of III-V and III-nitride heterostructures for optoelectronic devices with emission wavelengths from THz to ultraviolet; MBE of III-V semiconductors for mid-infrared photodetectors and solar cells; dilute magnetic semiconductor materials and ferromagnet/semiconductor heterostructures and their application to spintronic devices; applications of bismuth-containing III#x96;V semiconductors in devices; MBE growth and device applications of Ga2O3; Heterovalent semiconductor structures and their device applications; and more. . Includes chapters on the fundamentals of MBE. Covers new challenging researches in MBE and new technologies. Edited by two pioneers in the field of MBE with contributions from well-known MBE authors including three Al Cho MBE Award winners. Part of the Materials for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications series Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Materials and Applications for Electronics and Optoelectronics will appeal to graduate students, researchers in academia and industry, and others interested in the area of epitaxial growth.