The Antidote, in a Letter to the Free-Thinker, Occasion'd by the Management of the Present Dispute between Dr. Woodward and Certain Other Physicians. (1719).
Cover Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Tractsand Pamphlets; The Christian Hero: An Argument Proving that No Principles but Those of Religion are Sufficient to Make a Great Man. (1701); The Medley. The first part of No. 23. (5 March 1711); The Englishman's Thanks to the Duke of Marlborough. (1712); A Letter to Sir M. [iles] W. [arton] Concerning Occasional Peers. (1713); The Guardian of August the 7th, 1713. (No. 128); The Importance of Dunkirk Consider'd: In Defence of the Guardian of August the 7th. In a Letter to the Bailiff of Stockbridge. (1713).
A Letter from the Earl of Mar to the King, before His Majesty's Arrival in England. With Some Remarks on my Lord's Subsequent Conduct. (1715)Town-Talk. In a Letter to a Lady in the Country. No. 5. (13 January 1716); The British Subject's Answer to the Pretender's Declaration. (1716); A Letter to a Member, &c. Concerning the Condemn'd Lords, in Vindication of Gentlemen Calumniated in the St. James's Post of Friday March the 2d. (1716).
Sir Richard Steel's Speech for Repealing of the Triennial Act and His Reasons for the Septennial Bill. As it was Spoken in the House of Commons in Answer to Several Speeches Made against it: the 24th of April 1716. (1716)An Account of the Fish-Pool: ... By Sir Richard Steele and Mr. Joseph Gillmore, Mathematician. (1718); The Plebeian. To be continued Weekly. ... By a Member of the House of Commons. No. I (14 March 1719); No. II (23 March 1719); No. Ill (30 March 1719); No. IV (6 April 1719); The Joint and Humble Address of the Tories and Whigs Concerning the Bill of Peerage. (1719).
The Crisis: Or a Discourse Representing from the Most Authentic Records the Just Causes of the Late Happy Revolution ... With some Seasonable Remarks on the Danger of a Popish Successor. (1714)The Englishman: Being the Close of the Paper So Called. (No. 57. 15 February 1714); Mr. Steele's Speech upon the Proposal of Sir Thomas Hanmer for Speaker of the House of Commons. (1714); The Romish Ecclesiastical History of Late Years. Dedication, Preface, and other parts of the tract. (1714); A Letter to a Member of Parliament Concerning the Bill for Preventing the Growth of Schism. (1714).
The French Faith Represented in the Present State of Dunkirk. A Letter to the Examiner, In Defence of Mr. S le. (1714)Mr. Steele's Apology for Himself and His Writings; Occasioned by His Expulsion from the House of Commons. (1714); An Account of the State of the Roman-Catholick Religion Throughout the World. Written for the Use of Pope Innocent XI by Monsieur Cerri, Secretary of the Congregation de propaganda Fide. Now First Translated ... With a Large Dedication to the Present Pope ... Prefaces to the first and to the second edition. (1715. 1716).
First Published in 1968. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.