Intro -- Safeguarding Intangible Heritage -- Key Issues in Cultural Heritage -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Contributors -- Series Editors' Foreword -- 1 The Practices and Politics of Safeguarding -- Conclusion -- References -- Part I Legal, Administrative and Conceptual Challenges -- 2 Further Reflections on Community Involvement in Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage -- Introduction -- Intangible Heritage, Human Rights and Sustainable Development -- Community Involvement or Participation -- Community Participation Within the Ichc -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- 3 Intangible Heritage Safeguarding and Intellectual Property Protection in the Context of Implementing the Unesco Ich Convention -- Introduction -- Unesco and Wipo: Collaboration and Separate Action on Ich -- Implications for National Policy: Databases of Tk and Inventories of Ich Elements -- Finding Ways to Bridge the Gap -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- 4 Intangible Heritage Economics and the Law: Listing, Commodification and Market Alienation -- Introduction -- Intangible Heritage Economics in the Ichc -- Intangible Cultural Heritage Economics in Other International Standard-Setting Fora -- Concluding Remarks -- Notes -- References -- 5 Inside the Unesco Apparatus: From Intangible Representations to Tangible Effects -- Making International Assessments: From Conceptualisation to Implementation -- A National Framework: The Emergent Organisational Format -- Community Frictions: The Concept and Organisation Enacted -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- 6 Intangibility Re-Translated -- Introduction -- Intangible Cultural Heritage as 'Non-Physical Cultural Assets': Postcolonial Vernacular Identity -- Intangible Cultural Heritage as 'Immaterial Cultural Patrimony': International Politics and Power of Translation.
Case Studies: Site Descriptions and Cultural Experiences -- Traditional and Non-Traditional Religious Use of Great Zimbabwe -- Tsodilo Hills Whs: Local Guides, Oral Traditions and Expressions -- World Heritage Sites, Intangible Cultural Heritage and Local Communities -- Way Forward: Linking Tangible and Intangible in Managing World Heritage -- Conclusion -- References -- 12 Ich-Isation of Popular Religions and the Politics of Recognition in China -- Introduction -- Phenomenon and Methodology -- State: The Predominant Actors in China's Heritagisation -- Religious Community Leaders Engaging in the State-Launched Ich-Isation -- Conclusion -- References -- 13 National Identity, Culinary Heritage and Unesco: Japanese Washoku -- Culinary Traditions as Intangible Heritage -- Ichc and Culinary Heritage -- The Japanese Washoku Nomination -- Nation, Community and Japanese Culinary Heritage -- Conclusion -- Note -- References -- 14 Beyond Safeguarding Measures, or a Tale of Strange Bedfellows: Improvisation as Heritage -- Introduction -- Notes on the Kyrgyz Oral Poetry and Its Recent Heritagization -- An Intimate Performance -- Temporality of Improvisation, Intangibility of Heritage and Homeostatic Organization of Oral Traditions -- Conclusion: From Safeguarding to "Cultural Dispossession"? -- Notes -- References -- 15 Playing With Intangible Heritage: Video Game Technology and Procedural Re-Enactment -- Introduction: Never the Twain Shall Meet? -- Building a Convincing Cultural World -- Game Worlds: The Interactive Element -- Game Worlds: The Communal Element -- The Complications of Game-Based Heritage -- Conclusion -- References -- Index.
Inscription of 'Mazu Belief and Customs' on Unesco Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009 -- Conclusion: Language Homogenised, Communities Vanished -- Notes -- References -- 7 Language as World Heritage? Critical Perspectives on Language-As-Archive -- Introduction: Inscription and Lists -- What Do Linguists Do When They Document Languages? -- Language Documentation as a Colonial Episteme -- North-south Entanglements and Language Archives as Expert Heritage -- Conclusion: Beyond the Linguists' Archives -- Acknowledgements -- Notes -- References -- 8 The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: Absentees, Objections and Assertions -- Objection 1: The Definition of Heritage -- Objection 2: The Role of Language -- Objection 3: The Obligation of Inventorying -- Assertion 1: Fulfillment By Proxy is Realistic -- Assertion 2: International Collaboration is Achievable -- The Moral Argument -- Conclusion -- References -- Part II The Complexities of 'safeguarding' -- 9 Batik as a Creative Industry: Political, Social and Economic Use of Intangible Heritage -- Introduction -- Batik as Creative Economy -- Batik: The Modern History of a Traditional Craft -- Batik Under Japanese Occupation -- Batik and the Indonesian Nation -- Ichc and the 'New Indonesia' -- Conclusion -- References -- 10 Replacing Faith in Spirits With Faith in Heritage: A Story of the Management of the Gangneung Danoje Festival -- Vignette -- Introduction -- Utilitarian Logic and Commodification of Culture -- Shamanic Ritual, Belief, and Heritage Value -- Changes to the Festival -- Conclusion -- Acknowledgements -- Notes -- References -- 11 World Heritage Communities, Anchors and Values for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Southern Africa: Botswana and Zimbabwe -- Introduction.
"The UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage came into force in 2006, framing the international and national practices and policies associated with intangible cultural heritage. This volume critically and reflexively examines these practices and policies, providing an accessible account of the different ways in which intangible cultural heritage has been defined and managed in both national and international contexts. AsSafeguarding Intangible Heritagereveals, the concept and practices of safeguarding are complicated and often contested, and there is a need for international debate about the meaning, nature and value of heritage and what it means to safeguard it. Safeguarding Intangible Heritage presents a significant cross section of ideas and practices from some of the key academics and practitioners working in the area, whose areas of expertise span anthropology, law, heritage studies, linguistics, archaeology, museum studies, folklore, architecture, Indigenous studies and history. The chapters in this volume give an overarching analysis of international policy and practice and critically frame case studies that analyze practices from a range of countries,including Australia, Canada, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, New Zealand, Taiwan, the UK and Zimbabwe.With a focus on conceptual and theoretical issues, this follow-up to Intangible Heritage, by the same editors, will be of great interest to students, scholars and professionals working in the fields of heritage and museum studies, heritage conservation, heritage tourism, global history, international relations, art and architectural history, and linguists."--Provided by publisher.