edited by Philip J. Steer, Philip J. Steer, BSc MD FRCOG, Emeritus Professor, Imperial College London, Academic Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK, Michael A. Gatzoulis, MD PhD FACC FESC, Professor of Cardiology, Congenital Heart Disease and Consultant Cardiologist Adult Congenital Heart Centre and Centre for Pulmonary Hypertension Royal Brompton Hospital, and the National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College, London, UK.
Second edition.
Cambridge, United Kingdom :
Cambridge University Press,
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Cover; Half-title; Title page; Copyright information; Table of contents; List of contributors; Preface; Consensus statements; Section 1 Pregnancy Counseling and Contraception; 1 Preconception counseling for women with cardiac disease; Practical practice points; Introduction; Components of preconception counseling; Valuing the cultural background of the woman and her family, and respecting diversity; Informed choice and understanding; Information about contraception and termination; Information about clinical management; Information in an appropriate language; Preparing for pregnancy.
Clinical implicationsStroke volume; Cardiac output; Clinical implications; Postural change; Cardiac anatomical change; Clinical implications; Cardiac functional change; Clinical implications; Peri-delivery; Clinical implications; Postpartum; Conclusion; References; 4 Antenatal care of women with cardiac disease: An obstetric perspective; Practical practice points; Introduction; Hemodynamic changes in normal pregnancy; Recognition of the cardiac condition; Where should the woman be managed?; Assessment of risk; The underlying cardiac lesion; Trivial and low-risk cardiac lesions.
Copper intrauterine contraceptive devicesEmergency contraception; Barrier methods; Termination of pregnancy; Medical termination of pregnancy; Surgical termination of pregnancy; Specific diseases for which effective contraception is critical; Pulmonary arterial hypertension; Marfan syndrome; Conclusion; References; Section 2 Antenatal Care: General Considerations; 3 Cardiovascular changes in normal pregnancy; Practical practice points; Introduction; Hemodynamic changes during pregnancy; Peripheral vasodilatation; Clinical implications; Blood volume; Clinical implications; Heart rate.
Moderate- and severe-risk cardiac lesionsNYHA classification of cardiac function; Additional associated risk factors; What should the woman be told?; Planning antenatal care; The multidisciplinary team and antenatal care; The fetus and fetal surveillance; Frequency of visits and admission to hospital; Postnatal care; References; 5 Antenatal care of women with cardiac disease: A cardiac perspective; Practical practice points; Introduction; The spectrum of maternal heart disease; Organization of antenatal care; Recommendations for organization of antenatal care.
Risk of congenital abnormalityConclusion; References; 2 Contraception in women with heart disease; Practical practice points; Introduction; Counseling patients on the risks of pregnancy; Classification of cardiac conditions; Contraceptive agents; Efficacy of use of contraceptive agents; Female sterilization; Male sterilization; Combined hormonal contraceptives; Progestogen-only methods; Progestogen-only pills; Desogestrel; Injectable progestogens (DMPA and NET-EN); Levonorgestrel intrauterine system (Mirena®); Injectable progestogens (Nexplanon®-previously Implanon®)
"This comprehensive and authoritative text on heart disease in pregnancy - one of the leading causes of maternal death - will be of value to a wide audience of obstetricians, cardiologists, anaesthetists, midwives, and cardiac nurses. It provides consensus guidelines of great practical value in a compact and convenient format. Written by the multidisciplinary team, it covers both maternity and cardiac care. Contents range from pre-conception counselling and contraception, through practical templates for antenatal and intrapartum care, to long-term outcome for both mother and baby. It covers all causes of heart disease, both congenital and acquired. Thoroughly updated, this new edition has reorganised the consensus statements about priorities in management. In addition, each chapter now starts with a summary of 'Practical Practice Points' to aid quick revision when seeing a patient with a specific problem. A new section on heart and lung transplantation has been added since the first edition"--