Intelligence as potentiality and actuality / Phillip L. Ackerman -- Hereditary ability: g is driven by experience-producing drives / Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr. -- Culture, sex and intelligence / Stephen J. Ceci, Donna K. Ginther and Wendy M. Williams -- The nature of the general factor of intelligence / Andrew R.A. Conway and Kristof Kovacs -- Intelligence in Edinburgh, Scotland: bringing intelligence to life / Ian J. Deary and Stuart J. Ritchie -- Intelligence as domain-specific superior reproducible performance: the role of acquired domain-specific mechanisms in expert performance / K. Anders Ericsson -- Intelligence, society, and human autonomy / James R. Flynn -- The theory of multiple intelligences: psychological and educational perspectives / Howard Gardner, Mindy, Kornhaber and Jie-Qi Chen -- g theory: how recurring variation in human intelligence and the complexity of everyday tasks create social structure and the democratic dilemma / Linda S. Gottfredson -- Puzzled intelligence: looking for missing pieces / Elena L. Grigorenko -- A view from the brain / Richard J. Haier -- Is critical thinking a better model of intelligence? / Diane F. Halpern and Heather A. Butler -- Many pathways, one destination: IQ tests, intelligent testing, and the continual push for more equitable assessments / Alan S. Kaufman -- My quest to understand human intelligence / Scott Barry Kaufman -- Individual differences at the top: mapping the outer envelope of intelligence / David Lubinski -- The intelligence of nations / Richard Lynn -- Intelligences about things and intelligences about people / John D. Mayer -- Mechanisms of working memory capacity and fluid intelligence and their common dependence on executive attention / Zach Shipstead and Randall W. Engle -- Successful intelligence in theory, research, and practice / Robert J. Sternberg.
"The study of human intelligence features many points of consensus, but there are also many different perspectives. In this unique book Robert J. Sternberg invites the nineteen most highly cited psychological scientists in the leading textbooks on human intelligence to share their research programs and findings. Each chapter answers a standardized set of questions on the measurement, investigation, and development of intelligence - and the outcome represents a wide range of substantive and methodological emphases including psychometric, cognitive, expertise-based, developmental, neuropsychological, genetic, cultural, systems, and group-difference approaches. This is an exciting and valuable course book for upper-level students to learn from the originators of the key contemporary ideas in intelligence research about how they think about their work and about the field"--