Includes bibliographical references (pages xxv-xxxiii) and indexes.
Roman Corinth in the time of Paul : geography, archaeology, socioeconomic status, prosperity, and culture of pragmatic pluralism -- The Christian community in Corinth : beginnings, nature, and relations with Paul -- The occasion of the Epistle : dates, reports, letters, and integrity -- Argument and rhetoric : does Paul the letter writer, theologian, and pastor use rhetorical forms and structures? -- Address, greeting, and thanksgiving (1:1-9) -- Causes and cures of splits within the community; loyalty groupings or status groupings in conflict with the nature of the cross, the Spirit, and the ministry (1:10-4:21) -- Moral issues which demand a clear-cut verdict (5:1-6:20) -- Response to inquiries about marriage and related issues and about associations with idols (7:1-11:1) -- Freedom, status, reciprocity, and respect for the other in the ordering of public worship and in attitudes toward "spiritual gifts" (11:2-14:40) -- The resurrection of the dead (15:1-58) -- Further matters of concern (16:1-24).
"One of the world's most respected Christian theologians, Anthony Thiselton here provides in-depth discussion of the language of 1 Corinthians, presents his own careful translation of the Greek, traces the main issues of interpretation from the church fathers to the present, and highlights topics of theological, ethical, and sociohistorical interest today, including ethics and "rights," marriage, divorce and remarriage, "headship," gender, prophecy, and many others."--Jacket.
Paulus Apostel
Bible., Corinthians
Bible., New Testament., Corinthians, 1st
Bible., New Testament., Corinthiens-- Commentaires.
Bibel, Korintherbrief, 1.
Bible., Corinthians.
Bible., Corinthians.
11.46 study and interpretation of the New Testament.