How will the lamp enlighten the light? -- After Schmemann: introducing Ricoeur into the conversation -- Western perspectives -- No tongue can hymn your wonders -- Meaning in/and metaphor -- At the intersection of the via positiva and the via negativa -- Today you have appeared to the world -- The summoned subject -- Truth as attestation -- Liturgical time, narrative, memory, and history -- The voice of the Lord cries out upon the waters -- Manifestation and proclamation.
French philosopher Paul Ricoeur gave sustained attention to several themes pertinent to a hermeneutics of liturgy, including symbol, metaphor, narrative, subjectivity and memory. This book explores how Ricoeur's original insights may serve to renew contemporary Orthodox liturgical theology. The Byzantine-Rite ""Great Blessing of Water"" serves as a case study.
Liturgical theology after Schmemann : an orthodox reading of Paul Ricoeur
Ricœur, Paul.
Shmeman, Aleksandr,1921-1983.
Ricoeur, Paul.
Shmeman, Aleksandr,1921-1983.
Ricœur, Paul.
Shmeman, Aleksandr,1921-1983.
Orthodox Eastern Church-- Doctrines.
Orthodox Eastern Church.
RELIGION-- Christian Rituals & Practice-- Worship & Liturgy.