"This memoir grew out of the 2 1/2 day symposium "Variations in Depositional Systems Within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework : Applications to Exploration," that we organized at the 1991 AAPG annual meeting in Dallas, Texas"--Page vii.
Folded chart laid in.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Recent developments and applications in siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy / Paul Weimer and Henry W. Posamentier -- The relative success of siliciclastic sequence stratigraphic concepts in exploration : examples from incised valley fill and turbidite systems reservoirs / David W. Bowen, Paul Weimer, and Alan J. Scott -- Deposition of fourth-order, post-rift sequences and sequence sets, Lower Cretaceous (Lower Valanginian to Lower Aptian), Pletmos Basin, southern offshore, South Africa / G.J. Brink, J.H.G. Keenan, and L.F. Brown Jr. -- Sequence stratigraphy of petroleum plays, post-rift Cretaceous rocks (Lower Aptian to Upper Maastrichtian), Orange Basin, western offshore, South Africa / A. Muntingh and L.F. Brown Jr. -- Integrated stratigraphic and depositional-facies analysis of parasequences in a transgressive systems tract, San Joaquin Basin, California / Robert S. Tye [and others] -- Stratigraphic and combination traps within a seismic sequence framework, Miocene Stevens turbidites, Bakersfield arch, California / James S. Hewlett and Douglas W. Jordan -- Recognizing sequences and systems tracts from well logs, seismic data, and biostratigraphy : examples from the late Cenozoic / Robert M. Mitchum [and others] -- Variations in slope deposition, Pliocene-Pleistocene, offshore Louisiana, northeast Gulf of Mexico / Andrew J. Pulham -- Detailed facies anatomy of transgressive and highstand systems tracts from the Upper Cretaceous of southern Utah, U.S.A. / Robert D. Hettinger, Peter J. McCabe, and Keith W. Shanley -- Genesis and architecture of incised valley fill sequences : a late Quaternary example from the Colorado River, gulf coastal plain of Texas / Michael D. Blum -- Application of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy to the Upper Rotliegend in the Netherlands offshore / Chang-Shu Yang and Swie-Djin Nio -- Sequence stratigraphy of a lacustrine system : Upper Fort Union Formation (Paleocene), Wind River Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A. / Louis M. Liro -- Evaluation of eustasy, subsidence, and sediment input as controls on depositional sequence geometries and the synchroneity of sequence boundaries / David T. Lawrence -- Effects of variations in subsidence and sediment supply on parasequence stacking patterns / F.L. Wehr -- An experimental study of the influence of subaqueous shelf angles on coastal plain and shelf deposits / L.J. Wood, F.G. Ethridge, and S.A. Schumm -- Eolian sequence stratigraphy -- a conceptual framework / Gary Kocurek and Karen G. Havholm -- Photostratigraphic characteristics of sequence stratigraphic features and patterns : Upper Cretaceous and Eocene strata of the south-central Pyrenees, Spain / Maria Sgavetti -- Use of genetic sequence stratigraphy in defining and determining a regional tectonic control on the "Mid Cimmerian unconformity": implications for North Sea Basin development and the global sea-level chart / J.R. Underhill and M.A. Partington.
"This memoir grew out of the 2 1/2-day symposium, 'Variations in Depositional Systems Within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: Applications to Exploration,' that we organized at the 1991 AAPG annual meeting in Dallas, Texas."--Preface.