Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Author; Chapter 1: Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDOF) System; 1.1 Undamped Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDOF); 1.1.1 Free Vibration; 1.1.2 Differential Equations of Undamped Free Vibration; Method of Differential Operators; Complex Exponential Method; 1.2 Damped SDOF; 1.2.1 Differential Equation; 1.2.2 Phasor of a Damped System; 1.3 Logarithmic Decrement; 1.4 Impulse Response Function; 1.5 Force Excitation; 1.5.1 Convolution Integral; 1.5.2 System Transfer Function.
1.9.3 Phase between Velocity and Force1.9.4 Phase between Acceleration and Force; 1.10 Frequency Response; 1.10.1 Displacement Frequency Response; 1.10.2 Velocity Frequency Response; 1.10.3 Acceleration Frequency Response; 1.11 Admittance; 1.12 Vibration Transducers; 1.12.1 Seismic Instrument; 1.12.2 Piezoelectric Transducer; 1.12.3 Piezoelectric Accelerometer; 1.12.4 Charge Amplifier; 1.13 Conclusions; Problems; Chapter 2: Multidegree-of-Freedom (MDOF) Systems and Longitudinal Vibration in Bars; 2.1 Multidegree-of-Freedom Discrete System; 2.1.1 Undamped MDOF; 2.1.2 Natural Frequencies.
2.1.3 Mode Shapes2.1.4 Mass Normalized Modes; 2.2 Longitudinal Waves in Bars; 2.2.1 Wave Equation; 2.2.2 Solution to the Longitudinal Wave Equation; 2.3 Fixed-Fixed Bars; 2.3.1 Natural Frequencies; 2.3.2 Mode Shapes; 2.4 Free-Free Bar; 2.4.1 Natural Frequencies; 2.4.2 Mode Shapes; 2.5 Orthogonality Condition; 2.6 Force Excitation; 2.7 Conclusions; Chapter 3: Airborne Sound; 3.1 Piston Propagated Disturbance; 3.2 Pulsating Piston; 3.3 Pressure Density Relationships due to Acoustic Disturbance; 3.4 One-Dimensional Wave Equation; 3.4.1 Conservation of Mass; 3.4.2 Conservation of Momentum.
3.4.3 Wave Equation3.4.4 Integral Equations; 3.5 Wave Equation Solution for Plane Waves; 3.6 Sound Pressure Level; 3.6.1 Addition of Sound Pressure Levels; 3.6.2 Difference between Two Sound Sources; 3.6.3 Equivalent Sound Pressure Level, Leq; 3.7 Sound Power Level; 3.8 Sound Intensity Level; 3.8.1 Sound Intensity of Plane Waves; 3.9 Spherical Waves; 3.9.1 Spherical Wave Equation; 3.9.2 Solution of Spherical Wave Equation; 3.9.3 Particle Velocity of Spherical Waves; 3.9.4 Sound Intensity of Spherical Waves; 3.10 Frequency Analysis of Airborne Sound Signals; 3.10.1 Octave and 1/3 Octave Bands.
"The subject of vibro-acoustics is important for the better design of machine elements and structures, to minimize sound generated by them. In view of the design cycles of machines becoming shorter, designers need to design quiet machines at the drawing-board stage rather than applying "band-aid" techniques after the machine has been built. Those interested in low-frequency vibration are generally concerned with the modal approach of using natural frequencies and mode shapes, whereas those interested in vibro-acoustics in medium and high frequencies are generally concerned with the wave approach. Since both approaches have their advantages, it is a good idea to study both together to get the best out of them. This is useful for a better understanding of the physics of vibro-acoustics. Written for students and professionals, this book systematically integrates the relevant aspects of vibro-acoustics from various viewpoints and Covers fundamental aspects of noise and vibration along with statistical energy analysis (SEA) Discusses both modal and wave approaches for studying dynamic systems Simplifies circuit theory concepts Provides a solid understanding of the physics of vibro-acoustics through seamless integration of vibration and acoustics Offers guidance for professionals in using SEA software"--