1 Introduction 2 Two State Systems -- The Ammonia Molecule 3 Quantum Mechanics of a Single Particle in One Dimensional Space I 4 Quantum Mechanics of a Single Particle in One Dimensional Space: II 5 The Harmonic Oscillator 6 Review of Linear Algebra and Dirac Notation 7 Rotation Invariance and the Hydrogen Atom 8 Scattering Electrons on a Nucleus 9 Charged Particles in a Magnetic Field 10 The Meaning of Quantum Measurement and the Emergence of a Classical Reality 11 Sketch of Atomic, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics 12 Quantum Statistical Mechanics 13 Perturbation Theory: Time Independent 14 Perturbation Theory: Time Dependent 15 The Adiabatic Approximation, Aharonov-Bohm and Berry Phases 16 Scattering Theory 17 The JWKB Approximation 18 The Variational Principle 19 The Feynman Path Integral 20 Quantum Computation? 21 L' Envoi : Relativistic Quantum Field Theory 22 Appendix A: Interpretations of QM 23 Appendix B : The Dirac Delta Function 24 Appendix C -- Noether's Theorem 25 Appendix D : Group Theory 26 Appendix E: Laguerre Polynomials 27 Appendix F: Summary of Dirac Notation and Linear Algebra 28 Answers to Selected Problems