Intro; Title Page; Preface; About the Editors; Contents; Section 1. Personalized Ergonomics; The Need for Practical and Reliable Risk Assessment Methods for Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders; Enhancing Workplace Ergonomics Through SmartMentalTech, a Comprehensive Stepped-Care Model for Mental Health; Section 2. Pervasive Technology for Intelligent Workplaces; Opportunities and Challenges of Technology-Based Interventions to Increase Health-Awareness in the Workplace; Privacy in Smart Spaces: Protecting Information in Workplaces; Section 3. Data Warehouse Governance and Analytics
Closed-Loop Ergonomics in the Factory of the Future: A Practical Approach from FASyS ProjectTowards Perceptual Spaces for Empowering Ergonomy in Workplaces by Using Interactive Process Mining; Process Choreography for Designing and Automate Individualized Prevention Protocols in Occupational Medicine; Section 4. Lessons Learnt; Personalized Health and Intelligent Workplaces Transforming Ergonomics: Some Lessons Learnt; Subject Index; Author Index