"An augmented and revised edition of Keynes et ses combats, Paris, Albin Michel, 2005, translated by Niall B. Mann."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Introduction -- 2. Ethics : the sources of Keynes's vision -- First interlude : Bloomsbury and the Apostles -- 3. Knowledge : uncertainty, probabilities and the moral sciences -- 4. Politics : beyond liberalism and socialism -- Second interlude : the political history of Great Britain during the time of Keynes -- 5. War and peace : from the Boer War to Versailles -- 6. Money : economic motor and social pathology -- 7. Labour : the battle against unemployment -- 8. Gold : an international monetary system in the service of humanity -- 9. Art : theoretician, consumer and patron of the arts -- 10. Conclusion : from Keynes to Keynesianism -- App. 1. Keynes and his time : chronology -- App. 2. Maynard as seen by his friends and contemporaries.
"This book brings together and examines all aspects of the life and work of one of the most influential thinkers of the last century, John Maynard Keynes, whose theses are still hotly debated. It combines, in an accessible and cohesive manner, analytical, biographical and contextual elements from a variety of perspectives." "Scholars, students and researchers of economics, history of economic thought, political science, sociology, history, philosophy and the history of arts will find this a revealing work. The book should also interest journalists, decision makers in society and all those who are preoccupied by the problems of our time."--Jacket.