Introduction : what is real utopia? / Chris Spannos -- Parecon today / Chris Spannos interviews Michael Albert -- Parpolity : a political system for a good society / Stephen R. Shalom -- The art (and serendipity) of kinship : ideas about family, sexuality, and caregiving in a better world / Cynthia Peters -- Polyculturalism and the good society / Justin Podur -- Participatory economics and the environment / Chris Spannos interviews Robin Hahnel -- A call to artists : support Parecon / Jerry Fresia -- From self-managed movements to self-managed city / Tom Wetzel -- Technology of the new society / Nikos Raptis -- Participatory planning in life after capitalism / Barbara Ehrenreich interviews Michael Albert -- Education for a participatory society / Chris Spannos interviews Noam Chomsky -- Africa : life after colonialism / Mandisi Majavu -- Local planning : the Kerala experiment / Richard W. Franke -- Participatory Balkans / exchanges between Andrej Grubacic and Michael Albert -- The organization of Sac and its companies / Anders Sandström -- Project for a Participatory Society : United Kingdom / Mark Evans interviewed by U.K. Watch -- FASINPAT (factory without a boss) : an Argentine experience in self-management / Marie Trigona -- Venezuela's path / Michael Albert -- Workers' power and the Russian Revolution / Tom Wetzel -- The Spanish anarchists, through a participatory lens / Dave Markland -- Winnowing wheat from chaff : social democracy and libertarian socialism in the 20th century / Robin Hahnel -- The making of South End Press and Z / Lydia Sargent -- Parecon and workers' self-management : reflections on Winnipeg's Mondragón Bookstore & Coffee house collective / Paul Burrows -- The NewStandard : a Parecon workplace is possible / Jessica Azulay -- Vancouver Parecon Collective : four years of organizing / Marla Renn -- Capes : the Chicago Area Participatory Economics Society / Matt McBride, Lloyd Philbrook, Mitchell Szczepanczyk -- Doing vision : the Austin Project for a Participatory Society / Marcus Denton -- Praxis makes perfect : the new youth organizing / Madeline Gardner, Joshua Kahn Russell -- Autonomous politics and its problems : thinking the passage from social to political / Ezequiel Adamovsky -- U.S. social forum : vision and strategy proposal / Z Staff and Marcus Denton -- Which way for the new left? : social theory, vision, and strategy for a revolutionary youth and student movement / Pat Korte, Brian Kelly -- Did you just say class? / John J. Cronan -- From here to Parecon : thoughts on strategy for economic revolution / Brian Dominick -- Building a Pareconish movement / Michael Albert.
"The authors in this collection engage with what a participatory society would look like, how it would function, and how our commitments to just outcomes is related to the sort of institutions we maintain. Topics include: participatory economics, political vision, education, architecture, artists in a free society, environmentalism, work after capitalism, and poly-culturalism."--Jacket.
What if we had direct control over our daily lives? What if societyʹs defining institutions--those encompassing economics, politics, kinship, culture, community, and ecology--were based not on competition, individual ownership, and coercion, but on self-management, equity, solidarity, and diversity? Real Utopia identifies and obliterates the barriers to an egalitarian, bottom-up society, while convincingly outlining how to build it. Instead of simply declaring "another world is possible," the writers in this collection engage with what that world would look like, how it would function, and how our commitment to just outcomes is related to the sort of institutions we maintain. Topics include: participatory economics, political vision, education, architecture, artists in a free society, environmentalism, work after capitalism, and poly-culturalism. The catchall phrase here is "participatory society" one that is directly democratic and seeks institutional solutions to complex sociological and economic questions.-- Publisher description.
Participatory society for the 21st century
Social history-- 21st century.
Social participation-- History-- 21st century.
Twenty-first century, Forecasts.
Utopias-- Social aspects-- History-- 21st century.