Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East,
Volume 7.
2565-8794 ;
"The editors of this volume gratefully acknowledge ... those responsible for creating the Concilium Lateranense IV conference in Rome (2015), at which the papers gathered here were originally delivered.--p. vii.2.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 is often considered as the high water-mark for the Medieval Church with its decisions affecting the cultural, social, religious and intellectual history of the Later Medieval World. The council was also a major event in the history of the crusades not only because the reform of the church and the recovery of the Holy Land were the central concerns of Pope Innocent III (1198-1216), but also because at the time of the council political decisions were made which affected all theatres of crusading and the canons of the council dealt with issues concerning piety and economics which had very long-term implications for the crusading movement. This book, bringing together an international team of scholars, is the first to deal with Fourth Lateran and the crusades in entirety and argues for the centrality of the council in the history of the crusades.
Innocent, III,1160 or 1161-1216.
Innocent, III,1160 or 1161-1216.
Innocent, III,1160 or 1161-1216.
Lateran Council(4th :1215 :, Palazzo Lateranense)
Conseil du Latran4ème :1215 :, Palazzo Lateranense)
Lateran Council.
Laterankonzil, 4., 1215, Rom
Crusades-- 13th-15th centuries.
Croisades-- Dernières, 13e, 14e, et 15e siècles.