Information systems and technologies to support learning :
proceedings of EMENA-ISTL 2018 /
Álvaro Rocha, Mohammed Serrhini, editors.
Cham :
1 online resource :
color illustrations
Smart innovation, systems and technologies ;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Preface; Organization; Conference; General Chair; Conference Co-chairs; Local Chairs; Advisory Committee; Program Committee; Contents; Categorization of Types of Internautes Based on Their Navigation Preferences Within Educational Environments; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Description of the Problem; 2.1 GSP_M Algorithm; 3 Experimentation; 4 Future Research; References; Metaheuristic Approaches for Solving University Timetabling Problems: A Review and Case Studies from Middle Eastern Universities; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 University Timetabling Problems: Classification and Models.
2.1 Examination Timetabling (ET) Problem2.2 Course Timetabling (CT) Problem; 2.3 Staff Timetabling (ST) Problem; 2.4 Project Timetabling (PT) Problem; 3 A Survey of Case Studies on University Timetabling Problems; 3.1 Examination Timetabling (ET) Case Studies; 3.2 Course Timetabling (CT) Case Studies; 3.3 Staff Timetabling (ST) Case Studies; 4 Discussion; 5 Conclusions and Future Research Directions; Acknowledgment; References; Ontology-Based Modeling for a Personalized MOOC Recommender System; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 State of the Art and Related Works.
2.1 Learner Modeling for Personalized Learning Systems2.2 Ontology Modeling and Deployment in E-learning and MOOCs; 3 Proposed Approach: A Metaontology for Recommendation Criteria; 4 Conclusion and Future Work; References; A New Model of Learner Experience in Online Learning Environments; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Background; 2.1 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM); 2.2 Expectations Confirmation Model (ECM); 2.3 DeLone & McLean Information Systems Success Model (D & M ISS); 2.4 Self-Regulated Learning Theory (SRL); 3 Our Research Framework for the Learner Experience.
4 Proposed Model and Research Hypotheses5 Conclusion and Future Work; References; Hybrid Recommendation Approach in Online Learning Environments; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 State of the Art on Recommendations in OLEs; 3 Proposal of Our Hybrid Approach; 4 Proposed Experiment; 5 Conclusion; References; Performance Scoring at University: Algorithm of Student Performance; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Context of Research; 2.1 Evolution of Performance Management in Education; 2.2 Efficient Operation of Key Performance Indicators in Evaluation; 3 Research Objectives; 4 Problem Statement.
5 Methodology5.1 Study of Some Systems of Performance Management and Scoring; 5.2 Required Data for the Variables of the Performance Algorithm; 5.3 Statistical Survey, Population and Results; 6 Research Outcomes: Algorithm of Student Performance; 6.1 Definitions of Selected Key Performance Indicators: Algorithm Variables; 6.2 Calculation Modes of Key Performance Indicators; 6.3 The Algorithm of Student Performance (ASP); 6.4 Programming the Algorithm in Computer Information System; 7 Future Scope; 8 Conclusion; References.
This book features a selection of articles from the second edition of the conference Europe Middle East & North Africa Information Systems and Technologies to Support Learning 2018 (EMENA-ISTL'18), held in Fez, Morocco between 25th and 27th October 2018. EMENA-ISTL'18 was a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent findings and innovations, current trends, professional experiences and challenges in information systems & technologies to support learning. The main topics covered are: A) information systems technologies to support education; B) education in science, technology, engineering and Mathematics; C) emerging technologies in education learning innovation in the digital age; D) software systems, architectures, applications and tools; E) multimedia systems and applications; F) computer communications and networks; G) IOT, smart cities and people, wireless, sensor and ad-hoc networks; H) organizational models and information systems and technologies; I) human-computer Interaction; J) computers & security, ethics and data-forensic; K) health informatics, and medical informatics security; l) information and knowledge management; m) big data analytics and applications, intelligent data systems, and machine learning; n) artificial intelligence, high performance computing; o) mobile, embedded and ubiquitous systems; p) language and image processing, computer graphics and vision; and q) the interdisciplinary field of fuzzy logic and data mining.
Springer Nature
Information systems and technologies to support learning.
Education-- Effect of technological innovations on.
Educational innovations, Congresses.
Educational technology, Congresses.
Internet in education.
Artificial intelligence.
EDUCATION-- Administration-- General.
Education-- Effect of technological innovations on.
EDUCATION-- Organizations & Institutions.
Educational innovations.
Educational technology.
Internet in education.
EDU-- 001000
EDU-- 036000
Rocha, Álvaro
Serrhini, Mohammed
Europe, Midddle East, and North Africa Conference on Information Systems and Technologies to Support Learning(2nd :2018 :, Fez, Morocco)