Intro; Preface and Acknowledgments; Contents; About the Author; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Consumer Research Needs; 1.1.1 Theory Development; 1.1.2 Methodological Requirements; 1.2 Emergent Approaches in Social Sciences; 1.3 The Emergence of the Life Course as Research Approach; 1.3.1 Conceptual Foundations; 1.3.2 Origins of Life Course Research; 1.3.3 The Life Course Paradigm; 1.3.4 Relevance to Consumer Research; 1.4 The Scope and Structure of this Book; References; Chapter 2: Efforts to Study Consumers Over Their Life Span; 2.1 Traditional Approaches; 2.1.1 Socialization Models
2.1.2 Human Development Models2.1.3 Family Life Cycle Models; 2.2 Traditional Stage Models Vs. The Life Course Paradigm; 2.3 Life Course Studies of Consumer Behavior; 2.3.1 Studies with Implicit Life Course Explanations; 2.3.2 Studies Based on the Life Course Paradigm; References; Chapter 3: The Life Course Paradigm: Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations; 3.1 A Conceptual Life Course Model; 3.1.1 Events/Changes (T1) and Outcomes (T2); 3.1.2 Adaptation Processes; 3.1.3 Contextual Factors; 3.2 Life Course Assumptions and Premises; 3.2.1 Effects of Life Events and Adaptation Processes
3.2.2 Interdependence of Events and Adaptation Processes3.2.3 Life Course Axioms or "Principles"; 3.2.4 Transitions, Trajectories, and Turning Points; 3.3 Concluding Comments; References; Chapter 4: Consumer Behavior in Life Course Context; 4.1 Consumer Behaviors as Events and Trajectories; 4.2 Effects of Events and Transitions; 4.2.1 Direct Effects of Events and Transitions; 4.2.2 Indirect Effects of Events; 4.3 Effects of Adaptation Processes; 4.3.1 Socialization; 4.3.2 Stress and Coping; 4.3.3 Human Capital Development, Growth, and Decline; 4.3.4 Interdependence of Adaptation Processes
4.4 Contextual Effects4.4.1 Timing and Time; 4.4.2 Agency-Related Factors; 4.4.3 Structural Factors; 4.5 Summary; References; Chapter 5: The Life Course Research Framework: Illustrative Application in the Study of Financial Behaviors; 5.1 Models of Financial Behavior; 5.2 Financial Behaviors in Life Course Context; 5.2.1 Financial Behaviors; 5.2.2 Life Events Experienced and Anticipated; 5.2.3 Adaptation Processes; 5.2.4 Contextual Factors; 5.3 Toward a Life Course Model of Personal Finance: A Propositional Inventory; 5.3.1 Effects of Life Events and Role Transitions
5.3.2 Effects of Adaptation Processes5.3.3 Contextual Effects; 5.4 Summary; References; Chapter 6: Methods of Life Course Research; 6.1 Quantitative Methods; 6.1.1 Event History Analysis; 6.1.2 An Illustration; 6.1.3 Methodological Issues; 6.2 Qualitative Methods; 6.2.1 Life Reviews, Life Stories, and Life Histories; 6.2.2 An Illustration; 6.3 Concluding Comments; References; Chapter 7: Contributions to Previous Efforts to Study Consumers over Their Life Span; 7.1 Consumer Socialization; 7.1.1 General Conceptual Directions; 7.1.2 Illustration: The Case of Development of Materialism
This book examines consumer behavior using the "life course" paradigm, a multidisciplinary framework for studying people's lives, structural contexts, and social change. It contributes to marketing research by providing new insights into the study of consumer behavior and illustrating how to apply the life course paradigm's concepts and theoretical perspectives to study consumer topics in an innovative way. Although a growing number of marketing researchers, either implicitly or explicitly, subscribe to life course perspectives for studying a variety of consumer behaviors, their efforts have been limited due to a lack of theories and methods that would help them study consumers over the lifecycle. When studying consumers over their lifespan, researchers examine differences in the consumer behaviors of various age groups (e.g., children, baby boomers, elderly, etc.) or family life stages (e.g., bachelors, full nesters, empty nesters, etc.), inferring that consumer behavior changes over time or linking consumption behaviors to previous experiences and future expectations. Such efforts, however, have yet to benefit from an interdisciplinary research approach. This book fills this gap in consumer research by informing readers about the differences between some of the most commonly used models for studying consumers over their lifespan and the life course paradigm, and providing implications for research, public policy, and marketing practice. Presenting applications of the life course approach in such research topics as decision making, maladaptive behaviors (e.g., compulsive buying, binge eating), consumer well-being, and cognitive decline, this book is beneficial for students, scholars, professors, practitioners, and policy makers in consumer behavior, consumer research, consumer psychology, and marketing research.