Derek Burke, Prasad Godbole, Andrew Cash, editors.
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource
Includes index.
Intro; Foreword; Preface; Contents; Contributors; Part I: Requirements of Basic Healthcare Globally; 1: Regulatory Requirements for Healthcare Globally; Introduction; Is Regulation of Healthcare Services Truly Global?; Structural Regulations; Licensing and Accreditation; Medical Regulatory Authorities; Evidence Based Medicine and Regulation; Quality Assurance and Regulation; Conclusion; References; 2: Opportunities and Challenges in Global Healthcare; Introduction; Global Healthcare Challenges; Population Demographics and Disease Pattern; Cost Control; Human Resources and the Workforce
Chilean Health Reforms and Negotiation Through HistoryThe Development of the Welfare State; The End of the Welfare State and a New Market Model; Conclusion; References; Part V: The Turnaround Process; 9: The Role of Medical Leadership in the Hospital Turnaround Process; Introduction; Who Are Medical Leaders?; Wider Context; How Can Medical Leaders Assist in the Turnaround Process?; Background; Strategic Objectives of Hospitals; The Medical Director in a Failing Hospital Undergoing Transformation; References; 10: Public Health Service Governance: Principles and Framework; About This Chapter
Medical EducationAccessibility and Rationalisation of Healthcare Services; Quality and Outcome Measures; Patient Centric Healthcare; Global Healthcare Opportunities; Investment; Teaching and Training; Research; Careers; Conclusion; References; Part II: Models of Healthcare Provision; 3: Models of Healthcare in Developed and Developing Countries; Introduction; The Beveridge Model; The Bismarck Model; The National Health Insurance Model; Private Insurance and Out of Pocket Model; What about the U.S.A.?; How Can Governments Choose the Best Model of Healthcare?; Conclusion; References
Part III: Provision of Effective, Safe and Good Quality Care4: How Do Hospitals Deliver Safe, Effective and High Quality Care?; Leadership; Responsiveness; Culture; Sheffield Teaching Hospitals; Tees Esk and Wear Valley; Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Monitor; Sharing and Learning; Conclusions; References; Part IV: Identifying Failure; 5: Transforming Hospital Accreditation: From Assurance to Improvement; Data Driven Improvement; Types of Regulation; Problems with Current Hospital Accreditation Systems; A New Model for Accreditation; A New Approach to Safety Assurance
The Implications of the New ModelConclusion; References; 6: Key Features in Identifying Failing Hospitals; Introduction; Leadership; Culture; Vision; Information Gathering and Management Systems; Planning Processes; Conclusion; References; 7: The Illness of the Health Care Systems; Introduction; Epistemological Issues; Science and Knowledge; Power Relations and the Political Economy; Alternatives, Approaches and Practical Implications; Conclusion; References; 8: The Political Economy of Health Reforms in Chile: A Case Study of the Privatization Process; Introduction; Theoretical Concerns
This book discusses the factors that contribute to the success of hospitals from a theoretical, practical and operational perspective to allow hospital managers both clinical and non-clinical at all levels to achieve success via a turnaround process where necessary. A robust performance management framework is detailed to make this success sustainable. Case studies where appropriate support the relevant chapters. Chapters can be read sequentially or as a stand-alone chapter. Hospital Transformation: From Failure to Success and Beyond enables readers to develop their hospital management skills. Issues of patient care, resource allocation, staff management, leadership, risk management, infection control, and financial sustainability are all covered. This book is relevant to hospital administrators, clinicians involved in hospital management, independent consultants, and healthcare providers responsible for day to day operations of healthcare facilities.
Springer Nature
Hospital Transformation : From Failure to Success and Beyond.