Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard, Stefan Bengtsson, Martin Hauberg-Lund Laugesen.
Cham, Switzerland :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource (167 pages)
Palgrave Studies in Education and the Environment
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Chapter 1 Introduction: Living in Dark Times; Abstract; The Horror!; Darkness; Dark Pedagogy; References; Part I The Horror of Education; Chapter 2 Denial; Abstract; The Concept of Denial; Denial in Education; Other Ways Forward; References; Chapter 3 Insanity; Abstract; Introduction; Madness, Insanity and Public Appearance; On the Academic Value of Madness; The Insanity Inducing Exteriority of the World-Without-Us; Venturing into the Mountains of Madness; On the Pedagogical Value of Lovecraftian Insanity; Conclusion; References
Chapter 4 DeathAbstract; Death in Education; The Concept of the Self and the Possibility of Its Death; Education for Death?; Other Ways Forward; References; Part II Towards Dark Pedagogy; Chapter 5 Dark Pedagogy Between Denial and Insanity; Abstract; An Essentialist Dark Pedagogy on the Horizon of Extinction; Dark Pedagogy as the Collapse of Denial, Insanity and Death; Conclusion; References; Chapter 6 Dark Pedagogy in the Anthropocene; Abstract; The Anthropocene Paradox; Didactics and Pedagogy: A Conceptual Clarification
From Dark Ecology to Dark Pedagogy: Qualification, Socialization and SubjectificationQualification: "[T]he Human-World Relation Has No Privilege at All"; Socialization: "The Feeling That I Am Surrounded and Penetrated by Entities"; Subjectification: "A State of Natural Wonder at the Alien Mystery of Objects"; On the Pedagogical Value of Dark Excursions; Destination Slaughterhouse; Conclusion; References; Chapter 7 A Pedagogy of Vulnerability; Abstract; Introduction to the Chapter; Reopening the Gap; Identity Politics of a Pedagogy for a Future Self; The Self as Monster?; Beauty as the Horror of the SelfA Pedagogy of the Aesthetics of the Feel of Thinking; Summary; References; Index
Dark pedagogy explores how different perspectives can be incorporated into a darker understanding of environmental and sustainability education. Drawing on the work of the classic horror author H.P. Lovecraft and new materialist insights of speculative realism, the authors link Lovecraft's 'tales of the horrible' to the current spectres of environmental degradation, climate change, and pollution. In doing so, they draw parallels between how humans have always related to the 'horrible' things that are scaled beyond our understanding and how education can respond to an era of climate catastrophe in the age of the Anthropocene. A new and darker understanding of environmental and sustainability education is thus developed: using the tripartite reaction pattern of denial, insanity and death to frame the narrative, the book subsequently examines the specific challenges of potentials of developing education and pedagogy for an age of mass extinction. This unflinching book will appeal to students and scholars of dark pedagogies as well as those interested in environment and sustainability education.
Springer Nature
Dark Pedagogy : Education, Horror and the Anthropocene.