"A selection of papers from the 13th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL), which took place from 24-28 August 2004 at the University of Vienna"--Page [7].
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction 7; MINOJI AKIMOTO: On the Decline of after and forth in Verb Phrases 11; ANITA AUER: Precept and Practice: The Influence of Prescriptivism on the English Subjunctive 33; JOAN C. BEAL / ANTHONY P. GRANT: "Make do and mend": An Online Investigation into Processes of Neologisation and the Dearth of Borrowing in Newer English Wartime Vocabulary 55; CLAUDIA CLARIDGE: 'With the most superlative felicitee': Functions of the Superlative in 19 th -Century English 73; THOMAS EGAN: Pronominal and Full Nominal Subjects in Expanding Constructions 91.
LARISA OLDIREVA GUSTAFSSON: Irregular Verbs in 17th -- and 18th -Century English Grammars: A Maze of Classifications103MINNA PALANDER-COLLIN / MINNA NEVALA: Reporting in 18 th -Century Letters of Hester Piozzi 123; GÜNTER ROHDENBURG: The Role of Functional Constraints in the Evolution of the English Complementation System 143; ANNI SAIRIO: Progressives in the Letters of Elizabeth Montagu and her Circle in 1738-1778 167; ELENA SEOANE: Changing Styles: On the Recent Evolution of Scientific British and American English 191.
STEFAN THIM: Phrasal Verbs in Late Middle and Early Modern English: Combinations with back, down, forth, out, and up 213INGRID TIEKEN-BOON VAN OSTADE: "Disrespectful and too familiar"? Abbreviations as an Index of Politeness in 18 th -Century Letters 229; Index 249.
Syntax, style and grammatical norms.
English language-- Grammar, Congresses.
English language-- Style, Congresses.
English language-- Syntax, Congresses.
Anglais (Langue)-- Grammaire, Congrès.
Anglais (Langue)-- Stylistique, Congrès.
Anglais (Langue)-- Syntaxe, Congrès.
English language-- Grammar.
English language-- Style.
English language-- Syntax.
Historische linguïstiek.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Linguistics-- Syntax.
Englisch, Geschichte 1500-2000, Kongress, Wien 2004
LAN-- 006000
LAN-- 009060
Dalton-Puffer, Christiane,1961-
International Conference on English Historical Linguistics(13th :2004 :, University of Vienna)