Intro; Series Editors' Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Translator's Introduction; Why Study Penitentiaries?; Why Translate On the Penitentiary System?; Note on the Translation; List of Documentary Evidence1; First Volume; Massachusetts; Connecticut; Second Volume; New York- Old Newgate Prison; Singsing Penitentiary; Auburn Penitentiary; Third Volume; Continuation of Auburn; Fourth Volume; Maryland-Former prison and new Baltimore penitentiary; Pennsylvania -Prisons of Walnut Street, Pittsburgh, and the Cherry-Hill Penitentiary; Fifth Volume
From a letter addressed to us by Mr. Welles, Judge at Wethersfield, and former inspector of the Connecticut state prison. Oct. 1831Estimation of expenses necessary to build a prison able to contain five hundred prisoners; Main Building; Offices; Estimate for the expense that would result in maintaining and guarding five hundred prisoners in the prison that is in question above; Expenses; Profits; Reference; Appendix No. 13: Regulations of the Connecticut Prison; Section 1; Duties of the warden; Section II; On the deputy-warden; Section III; On [the] overseer; Section IV; On watchmen
General Documents on the Penitentiary System, or indirectly connected theretoSixth Volume; House of Refuge (New-York); Philadelphia and Boston; Notes; Preface; Notes; Part I; Chapter 1: History of the Penitentiary System; References; Chapter 2; First Section; Second Section: Administration; Third Section: Disciplinary Means; References; Chapter 3: Reform; First Section; Second Section; References; Chapter 4: Financial Part; First Section; Construction of the prisons; Second Section; Annual Expense of the Prisons 8; Reference; Part II; Chapter 1; Chapter 2; References
Part III: On Houses of RefugeChapter 1; Reference; Chapter 2; Part IV: Appendices; Appendix: On Penal Colonies; Preface; Chapter 1: Difficulties That the System of Deportation Presents as Legal Theory; Chapter 2: Difficulties That Are Presented to The Establishment of a Penal Colony; Chapter 3: Difficulties Peculiar to Our Time and France; References; Appendix: Alphabetical Notes; References; Appendix No. 4: Agricultural Colonies; Reference; Appendix No. 5: On Public Education
Statistical Details on the Money Dedicated by the Inhabitants of the State of New York to Public Education, on the Number of Schools and that of Schoolchildren in 1829Appendix No. 6: Pauperism in America; Appendix No. 7: Imprisonment for Debts in the United States; Appendix No. 8: Imprisonment of Witnesses; Appendix No. 9: Temperance Societies; Appendix No. 10: Inquiry into the Philadelphia Penitentiary; Appendix No. 11: Conversation with Mr. Elam Lynds; Appendix No. 12: Excerpts
"This book provides the first complete, literal English translation of Alexis de Tocqueville's and Gustave de Beaumont's first edition of On the Penitentiary System in the United States and Its Application to France. The work contains a critical comparison of two competing American penitentiary disciplines known as the Auburn and Philadelphia systems, an evaluation of whether American penitentiaries can successfully work in France, a detailed description of Houses of Refuge as the first juvenile detention centers, and an argument against penal colonization. The work provides valuable insights into understanding Tocqueville as a statesman, as well as a comparative look at civic engagement in early American and French penal reform movements. The Translator's Introduction provides historical context for understanding Tocqueville's work in French penal reform and the major themes of the report. The book thus fills a void in Tocquevillian studies and extrapolates the roots of American and French criminal justice systems in the nineteenth century."--
On the penitentiary system in the United States and its application in France.