Enhancing employability in higher education through work based learning /
edited by Dawn A. Morley.
Cham, Switzerland :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Preface; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1: Introduction; Section I: Setting Up University Infrastructures to Support Students in Work Based Learning; Section II: Teaching at University to Prepare Students for Work Based Learning; Section III: University Strategies to Optimise Students' Learning While in the Work Based Learning Setting; Section IV: Supporting and Supervising Work Based Learning; Section V: Using the University Experience for Work Based Learning for Future Employability.
3: Personalising Work Based Learning for a Mass and Diverse MarketIntroduction; Work Based Learning at the University of Chester; Student Journey; Academic Tutors; Pedagogic Rationale; Evaluation; Conclusion and Recommendations; Learning How to Learn; Orientated into the Workplace; Developing Resilience; References; 4: Managing Degree Apprenticeships Through a Work Based Learning Framework: Opportunities and Challenges; Introduction; Background; Curriculum Design-Embedding Employability Skills; Work Based Learning Pedagogy; Case Study; Overview; Case Study Findings; Recruitment; Resources.
6: Utilising Interprofessional Learning to Engender EmployabilityIntroduction; Views on Interprofessional Learning; The Pedagogy of Interprofessional Learning; Our Adaptation of Interprofessional Learning; Introduction to the Innovation and Leadership Module; Contemporary Reflection; Interprofessional Learning Sets; Examples from the Innovation and Leadership Module; Student Perceptions; The Emergence of Group Performance and Team Roles; Student Evaluation of the Innovation and Leadership Module; Conclusion; References.
Curriculum DesignWorkplace Supervision; Conclusion; Recommendations; References; Part II: Teaching at University to Prepare Students for Work Based Learning; 5: Use of Simulation as a Tool for Assessment and for Preparing Students for the Realities and Complexities of the Workplace; Introduction; Professional Context; Simulation; Assessment Models-Feedback and Feed Forward; Case Study One: Social Work; Case Study Two: Adult Nursing; Case Study Three: Paramedic Science; Using Simulation as Part of the Assessment Process; Transferability; References.
Section VI: Promoting Students' Work Based Learning for International Collaboration and EmploymentReferences; Part I: Setting Up University Infrastructures to Support Students in Work Based Learning; 2: Effective Management of the Tripartite Relationship of Educational Providers, Participants and Employers in Work Based Learning; Introduction; Background Context; Employer Perspective; Student Perspective; University Perspective; Case Study: Chester Business Master's; Employer Perspective; Student Perspective; University Perspective; Conclusion; References.
This book focuses on a renewed interest in work based learning in higher education. Due to an increased emphasis on employability in the graduate population, supported by wider policy changes, work based learning is becoming an increasingly pressing issue in higher education. The authors detail innovations from a breadth of UK universities, where academics have creatively addressed changes in work based learning structure, pedagogy and support systems. These changes in turn recognise the impact of real-life learning experiences on student progression, on both an academic development and a personally transformative level. Encompassing a wide variety of topics, the examples within the book are supported by theory and carefully detailed practice pedagogy. This valuable edited collection will be of interest to practitioners and scholars of work based learning and higher education, as well as a useful practical guide for academic developers.