Chapter 1. The current state of the Arctic Basin study -- Chapter 2. Seismic stratigraphy of the sedimentary cover -- Chapter 3. Eurasian Basin -- Chapter 4. Lomonosov Ridge -- Chapter 5. Podvodnikov Basin -- Chapter 6. Makarov Basin -- Chapter 7. Mendeleev Rise -- Chapter 8. Chukchi Plateau and Chukchi Basin -- Chapter 9. Extension structures at the Eurasian continental margin -- Chapter 10. Canadian Basin -- Chapter 11. Pliocene-Quaternary sedimentation -- Chapter 12. Geological and bathymetric data used in submission of the Russian Federation to the commission on the limits of the continental shelf.
"This book contains the most complete description of the geologic and geophysical data of the structure of Arctic Basin including structures of the earth's crust, crustal and acoustic basement, and sedimentary cover. The book includes information about extracted and studied cores and samples; observed, processed and interpreted data on geophysical anomalies and different conceptions, and a hypotheses of the origin of the modern Arctic Basin structures. Progress in solving the problems of the Arctic Basin geology is presented in the chapters and include contributions from leading field experts."--