Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1: Introduction; References; 2: Investing withImpact: AnIntegrated Analysis Between Academics andPractitioners; 1 Introduction; 2 Research Design andMethodological Approach; 2.1 Systematic Literature Review: Methodological Details; 2.2 Review Results; 2.3 Portfolio Strategies andImpact Investing: AnInvestors' Survey; 3 The Impact Investing Landscape: ATheoretical Analysis; 3.1 Terminological Clarifications andConceptual Assessment; 3.2 Instruments andInvestment Approaches
3.1 Sampling Procedure andData Collection4 The Global Social Impact Bond Market: Scenario andaFocus onHealthcare Sector; 5 Description ofCase Studies; 5.1 The Nurse-Family Partnership SIB (USA); 5.2 Social Impact Bond forPrevention ofType II Diabetes (Israel); 5.3 The Reconnections SIB (UK); 5.4 The Resolve Social Benefit Bond (Australia); 5.5 The Heart andStroke Social Impact Bond (Canada); 5.6 New Zealand Social Bond Pilot (New Zealand); 5.7 Mental Health andEmployment Partnership SIB (UK); 5.8 Ways toWellness SIB (UK); 6 Learning fromCase Studies
3.1.1 Modeling theSIB Social Risk Score3.2 Data; 4 Financial Returns andSocial Risk ofSIBs: Evidences fromtheField; 4.1 Program Process; 4.2 Players; 4.3 Social Outcome Evaluation; 5 Financial Returns andSocial Risk: ACorrelation Analysis; 6 Discussion; 6.1 Commissioner-Led IRR; 6.2 The SIB Investors' Rationality; 6.3 Asymmetries ofInformation; 7 Conclusions; References; 4: The Use ofPayment by Results inHealthcare: AReview andProposal; 1 Introduction; 2 A Literature Overview; 2.1 Understanding Risks inSIB Programmes: ATheoretical Perspective; 3 Research Design
3.3 Impact Investing: Actors3.4 The Impact Investors' Categories andPreferences: APreliminary Assessment; 4 The Impact Investing Landscape: Survey Results; 4.1 Study Units andResponse Rate; 4.2 Survey Evidence: Risk Aversion VersusRisk Affinity; 4.3 Impact Investing: Converging Definitions; 5 Future Research Directions; 6 Conclusions; References; 3: Social Risk andFinancial Returns: Evidences fromSocial Impact Bonds; 1 Introduction; 2 Social Impact Bonds andSocial Risk: FromTheory toPractice; 3 Methodology andData; 3.1 Methodology
This book provides a preliminary attempt to understand the impact investors' preferences and characteristics. It offers an empirical insight of the main features characterizing social risk of Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) and explores the correlation existing between social risk and financial return. It assesses case studies of social impact investment architectures and their legal and operational limits. It also analyzes new trends in social impact measurement, focusing on the Spanish and Swedish experiences. The book concludes with a road map of priorities and policy strategy for social impact investments development.--