a quantitative analysis of inequality in outcomes and opportunities /
Vani Kant Borooah.
Cham, Switzerland :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource (xix, 272 pages)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Preface; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 Health Outcomes and Policy in India; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Out-of-Pocket Health Expenses; 1.3 Publicly Financed Health Care; 1.4 Regulating Private Medicine; 1.5 Health Workers in India; 1.6 The Way Forward; 1.7 The Plan of This Book; References; 2 Sanitation and Hygiene; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 A Preliminary Look at the Data; 2.3 Specifying the Demand for Toilets Equation; The Method of Recycled Predictions; 2.4 Measuring the Development Demonstration Effect; 2.5 Analysing Differences Within Less and More Developed Villages.
2.6 Post-Defecation Hand Washing2.7 Conclusions; References; 3 India's Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Programme; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Benefits Under the ICDS; 3.3 Estimating the Strength of Factors Influencing the Utilisation of Anganwadi Services; 3.4 An Analytical Model for Decomposing the Probabilities of Utilising Anganwadi Services; Some Methodological Qualifications; 3.5 Decomposition Results; 3.6 The Link Between the Quality of Anganwadi Services and Their Utilisation; Universal Utilisation of ICDS; 3.7 Conclusions; References; 4 Child Malnutrition; 4.1 Introduction.
4.2 A Preliminary Look at the DataMeasuring Inequality in the Inter-Group Distribution of Underweight and Stunted Children; 4.3 Econometric Analysis: Specifying the Low Weight and Stunting Equation; 4.4 Estimation Results; Malnutrition of Children from "Elite" Households; 4.5 Conclusions; References; 5 The Health of Elderly Persons; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 The Data; 5.3 Self-Rated Health Status; 5.4 Self-Rated Health, Social Experience and Observed Health Status; 5.5 The Ailments of Elderly Persons; 5.6 Concluding Remarks; Appendix; References; 6 Deaths in the Family; 6.1 Introduction.
6.2 Health Data from the National Sample Survey for India6.3 The Age at Death in Households; 6.4 Infant and Child Deaths; 6.5 The Data for Infant and Child Deaths; 6.6 Estimation of the Infant and Child Mortality Equations; 6.7 Gender Bias in Infant and Child Deaths; 6.8 Conclusions; References; 7 Inequality and Well-Being; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Equity-Sensitive Achievements; A Diagrammatic Analysis; 7.3 A Formal Analysis of Equity-Sensitive Indicators; The Welfare Effects of Redistribution; 7.4 The Equity-Sensitive Human Development Index: Theory.
The Decomposition of the Human Development Index7.5 The Human Development Index: Practicalities; 7.6 Data and Analysis: The Component Indices; Aggregation Over Social Groups; 7.7 Explaining Intra-Household Variation in Performance Indices; 7.8 Conclusions; References; 8 Summary and Conclusions; References; Index.
The theme of this book is health outcomes in India, in particular to outcomes relating to its caste and religious groups and, within these groups, to their women and children. The book's tenor is analytical and based upon a rigorous examination of recent data from both government and non-government sources. The major areas covered are sanitation, use by mothers of the government's child development services, child malnutrition, deaths in families, gender discrimination, and the measurement of welfare.--
Springer Nature
Health and Well-Being in India : A Quantitative Analysis of Inequality in Outcomes and Opportunities.
Health-- Religious aspects.
Medical economics-- India.
Medical policy-- India.
Well-being-- India.
Economics, Medical.
Health Policy.
Public Health.
Health-- Religious aspects.
Medical economics.
Medical policy.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Cultural Policy.