Intro; Contents; Introductory Remarks; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Starting Point; 1.2 Some Tools Introduced by Linguistics and Literary Criticism; 1.3 Segmentation in Texts on Science; 1.4 Structure of the Book; Bibliography; 2 Textual Places: "Parts of Text" and "Stretches of Text"; Abstract; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 "Parts of Text": Connecting the Discourse to a Practice of Text Division; 2.2.1 Dividing up the Text: One Practice, Two Orders of Division; 2.2.2 Proposals for the Description and the Interpretation of Parts of Text Systems
2.3 "Stretches of Text": Enunciation Taking Place in a "Paper Space"2.3.1 Referring to the Writing Support, Referring to the Written Line; 2.3.2 Ci-Dessous (Below), Plus Haut (Above), Plus Loin (Below), Infra; 2.3.3 Prospects for Analyses; 2.4 Conclusion; Bibliography; Primary Sources; Secondary Sources; Material Parts of Texts; 3 Segmentation of Texts in Old Babylonian Mathematics; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Tablet AO 9071; 3.2.1 General Description; 3.2.2 The Sections: Boxes or Statements?; 3.2.3 Textual Segmentation; 3.3 The Series of AO 9071; 3.3.1 General Description
3.3.2 Features of an Entire Series Text3.3.3 The Tablets Which May Belong to the Same Series as AO 9071; 3.4 Operations on Texts; Appendix; Bibliography; 4 Textual Segmentation in Babylonian Astral Science; Abstract; 4.1 Mesopotamian Celestial Divination; 4.2 Babylonian Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts; 4.3 Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy; 4.3.1 Astronomical Procedure Texts; 4.4 Conclusions; Transliteration of Ossendrijver (2012c) no. 69, Obv. 0-8; Bibliography; Primary Sources; Secondary Sources; Organizational Strategies and Internal Architecture of Texts
5 Parts in Chinese Mathematical Texts. Interpreting the Chapter Form of The Nine Chapters on Mathematical ProceduresAbstract; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 The Inner Structure of the Nine Chapters in Chapters as a Heritage from Earlier Classics; 5.2.1 The Nine Chapters and the 'Nine Parts of Mathematics'; 5.2.2 Liu Hui's Testimony and the Newly Discovered Manuscripts; 5.2.3 The Qin Decree on Book Burning; 5.2.4 Mathematical Writings and the Qin Decree; 5.2.5 Conclusion on the Fate of Mathematical Books in Relation to Their Organization in Nine Chapters
5.3 The Meaning of a Chapter, or Why Are There Chapters in the Nine Chapters?5.3.1 The Title of a Chapter Is the Name of Its First Operation; 5.3.2 How Do the Commentators Refer to the Chapters?; 5.3.3 The Meaning of the First Procedure in a Chapter and of Jiu Shu; 5.4 Conclusion; Bibliography; Primary Sources; Secondary Literature; 6 "Parts of Text" in the Mathematical Literature of Ancient Greece: From the Author to His Commentator. The Example of Conics by Apollonius of Perga; Abstract; 6.1 Conics; 6.2 "Parts of Text" in Conics; 6.2.1 The Division into Books; 6.2.2 Internal Divisions
This book starts from a first general observation: there are very diverse ways to frame and convey scientific knowledge in texts. It then analyzes texts on mathematics, astronomy, medicine and life sciences, produced in various parts of the globe and in different time periods, and examines the reasons behind the segmentation of texts and the consequences of such textual divisions. How can historians and philosophers of science approach this diversity, and what is at stake in dealing with it? The book addresses these questions, adopting a specific approach do to so. In order to shed light on the diversity of organizational patterns and rhetorical strategies in scientific texts, and to question the rationale behind the choices made to present such texts in one particular way, it focuses on the issue of text segmentation, offering answers to questions such as: Why was the meaning of segmenting texts into paragraphs, chapters, sections and clusters? Was segmentation used to delimit self-contained units, or to mark breaks in the physical appearance of a text in order to aid reading and memorizing, or to cope with the constraints of the material supports? How, in these different settings and in different texts, were pieces and parts made visible?