Intelligence measurement and school performance in Latin America :
a report of the study of Latin American intelligence project /
Carmen Flores-Mendoza, Rubén Ardila Ricardo Rosas, María Emilia Lucio Miguel Gallegos, Norma Reátegui Colareta.
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Dedication; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 The Latin-America Region; 1.2 The SLATINT Project; 1.2.1 Participant Countries; 1.2.2 Design Adjustments; 1.2.3 Final Design of the SLATINT Project; 1.2.4 Financing and Logistics; 1.2.5 Final Sample; 1.3 Organization of this Book; References; Chapter 2: Cognitive Factor Structure: The g Factor; 2.1 The g Factor; 2.2 The g Factor in Latin American Samples; 2.2.1 Correlation Matrices; 2.2.2 Determining the Factor Structure of g; 2.2.3 Confirmation of Model in Individual Samples; 2.3 Conclusion; References.
6.2 Wealth of Nations, Jobs, and Distribution of Human Capital6.3 Intelligence of Nations; 6.4 The SLATINT Project; 6.4.1 Samples and Quality; 6.4.2 The SPM Test; 6.4.3 Estimating the "Greenwich-IQ"; 6.5 Immigrants; 6.6 Parent Occupation and Cognitive Performance of Their Children; 6.7 Internet; 6.8 Birth Order; 6.9 Human Capital in Latin America and Spain; 6.9.1 Intelligence; 6.9.2 School Achievement; 6.9.3 Solving Problems; 6.10 Conclusion; References; Chapter 7: Final Words; References; Appendix: Complementary Data; Index.
Chapter 3: Education, SES, and Intelligence3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Intelligence and Education: Lessons from Differential Psychology; 3.3 Education in Latin America: How Prepared Is the Region for this New Era?; 3.4 Education and Intelligence: Results from the SLATINT Project; 3.5 Conclusion; References; Chapter 4: Intelligence, Problem Solving, and Creativity; 4.1 Problem Solving; 4.1.1 High and Low Problem Solving Ability Based on the g Factor; 4.1.2 Do Good Problem Solvers Make Different Types of Errors Compared to Poor Problem Solvers?; 4.2 Creativity; 4.3 Conclusion; References.
Chapter 5: Cognitive Sex Differences5.1 Variability Hypothesis; 5.1.1 The Variability Hypothesis in Latin American Studies; 5.1.2 Testing the Variability Hypothesis with the Sample from the SLATINT Project; 5.2 Developmental Theory of Sex Differences; 5.3 Sex Differences in Specific Abilities; 5.3.1 Latin American Sex Differences in Univariate Analysis; 5.3.2 Latin American Sex Differences in Multivariate Analysis; 5.4 Sex Differences at g Level; 5.5 Conclusion; References; Chapter 6: Intelligence, Latin America, and Human Capital; 6.1 Human Capital.
This book presents the results of the most complete and updated assessment of cognitive resources of students in Latin America: the Study of Latin American Intelligence (SLATINT). During four years, top researchers of the region used a standardized set of cognitive measures to assess 4,000 students aged between 14 and 15 years from six countries: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru. The data collected and now analyzed in this volume is a first step to understand the human cognitive capital of the region, a crucial resource for any country today. Intelligence research has shown that the cognitive skills of a population are strongly associated with the school performance of its students and the development of a nation. This makes Intelligence Measurement and School Performance in Latin America a valuable tool both for Latin American researchers and authorities engaged in the improvement of each country's human resources and for psychologists, educators and other social scientists dedicated to the study of the impact of intelligence in the development of nations.
Springer Nature
Educational tests and measurements-- Latin America.