basic concepts for interdisciplinary applications /
Jeffrey K. Actor.
Second edition.
Cham :
Academic Press,
1 online resource :
color illustrations
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Front Cover; Introductory Immunology: Basic Concepts for Interdisciplinary Applications; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: A Functional Overview of the Immune System and Immune Components; Chapter Focus; Immune Homeostasis; Self versus Nonself; Innate and Adaptive Immunity; Anatomy of the Immune System; Cells of the Immune System; First-Line Defenders: The Myeloid Cells; Adaptive Avengers: The Lymphoid Cells; Lymphocytes; Cluster of Differentiation; Summary; Chapter 2: The Inflammatory Response; Chapter Focus; Inflammation
Initiation of the Inflammatory ResponseThe Role of Antibodies in Inflammation; Biological Functions of Complement; Activation and Directed Migration of Leukocytes; Pathogen Recognition and Cytokine Signaling; Feedback and Adaptation From a Distance; Pathological Consequences of the Inflammatory Response; Summary; Chapter 3: The B Lymphocyte: Antibodies and How They Function; Chapter Focus; B Lymphocytes Produce Antibodies; Structural Characteristics of Immunoglobulins; Immunoglobulin Nomenclature; Biologic Properties of Antibody Isotypes; IgD; IgM; IgG; IgA; IgE; Kinetics of Antibody Response
Membrane-Bound ImmunoglobulinDevelopment of B Cells; Gene Recombination; Development and Selection of Mature B Cells; Activation and Differentiation of B Cells; Summary; Chapter 4: T Lymphocytes: Ringleaders of Adaptive Immune Function; Chapter Focus; T Lymphocytes: Specific and Long-Lasting Immunity; The T Cell Receptor; T-Cell Development; Antigen Recognition by T Cells: Requirement of Major Histocompatability Molecules; The HLA Locus; MHC Class I; MHC Class II; T Lymphocyte Functions; CD4+ T-Helper Cells; Events Involved in T Lymphocyte Activation; Role of T Cells in B-Cell Activation
Introductory Immunology: Basic Concepts for Interdisciplinary Applications, Second Edition is a completely updated, revised and expanded resource on the immune system as a primary defense for the maintenance of health and homeostasis. The book highlights the components of the human immune system and how they work together to confer protection against pathogenic invaders. It also creates an understanding of the basis for clinical tests and immune therapeutics and their importance in identifying and treating disease states. This updated edition will strengthen the foundation required to understand the placement of immune function within clinical practice, thus allowing a basic platform to define therapeutic treatments.