What is punctuation for? -- Good and bad punctuation -- and how to improve yours -- Sentences and non-sentences -- Full stops -- Question marks -- Exclamation marks -- Commas -- Semicolons -- Colons -- Dashes -- Quotation marks -- Brackets -- Ellipsis -- Obliques -- Apostrophes -- Hypens -- Capital letters -- Paragraphs -- Italics, boldface type and underlining -- Direct speech, correspondence, and essays and reports -- Technical terms.
"This practical one-stop guide explains all the punctuation marks you are ever likely to encounter. From commas to colons, it shows you which marks to use and where to put them in a sentence, with helpful examples of correct and incorrect use and advice for writing on computers. Ideal for both quick reference and in-depth browsing, the guide provides all the tips and techniques you need for accurate punctuation." --Cover.