Tracing the Socio-Political Reality of Race / Sally Haslanger -- Cultural Constructionism / Chike Jeffers -- How to be a Biological Racial Realist / Quayshawn Spencer -- Is Race an Illusion or a (Very) Basic Reality? / Joshua Glasgow -- Haslanger's Reply to Glasgow, Jeffers, and Spencer -- Jeffers' Reply to Glasgow, Haslanger, and Spencer -- Spencer's Reply to Glasgow, Haslanger and Jeffers -- Glasgow's Reply to Haslanger, Jeffers, and Spencer.
"What is race? This is a question that has haunted human interaction and vexed scholars. In this book, four race theorists debate how best to answer it, applying philosophical tools and principles of social justice to cutting-edge findings from the biological and social sciences. Each of the authors presents a distinct view of race. Sally Haslanger argues that race is a sociopolitical reality. Chike Jeffers maintains that race is not only political but also, importantly, cultural. Quayshawn Spencer pursues the idea that race is biologically real. And Joshua Glasgow argues that either race is not real, or if it is, it must be real in a way that is neither social nor biological. Each offers an argument for their own view and then replies to the others. The result is a lively debate that shines a light on multiple ways of thinking about race."--Provided by publisher.