Peter Railton, University of Michigan / We'll see you in court! : the rule of law as an explanatory and normative kind -- Nicholas Southwood, Australian National University / Law as conventional norms -- David Copp, University of California, Davis / Legal teleology : a naturalist account of the normativity of law -- David Enoch, Hebrew University of Jerusalem / Is general jurisprudence interesting? -- Kathyrn Lindeman, Saint Louis University / Legal metanormativity : lessons for and from constitutivist accounts in the philosophy of law -- David Plunkett, Dartmouth College / Robust normativity, morality, and legal positivism -- Mitchell Berman, University of Pennsylvania / Of law and other artificial normative systems -- George Letsas, University College London / Law's full-blooded normativity -- Stephen Finlay, University of Southern California / Defining normativity -- Kevin Toh, University College London / Legal philosophy à la carte -- Brian Leiter, University of Chicago / Theoretical disagreements in law : another look -- Teresa Marques, Logos / University of Barcelona / Hybrid dispositionalism and the law -- Alex Silk, University of Birmingham / Normativity in language and law -- Katharina Nieswandt, Concordia University / Authority and interest in the theory of right -- Luís Duarte d'Almeida, University of Edinburgh / On the legal syllogism -- Sam Shpall, University of Sydney / Dworkin's literary analogy -- Connie Rosati, University of Arizona / Constitutional realism.
This text collects together new essays by moral and legal philosophers that are aimed at knocking down a disciplinary wall that divides contemporary philosophical thinking about the nature of morality and contemporary philosophical thinking about the nature of law.