Homeric ethics / Roger Crisp -- Plato's ethics / Nicholas White -- Aristotle's ethics / Paula Gottlieb -- Epicurus : freedom, death, and hedonism / Phillip Mitsis -- Cynicism and Stoicism / Christopher Gill -- Ancient scepticism / Richard Bett -- Platonic ethics in later antiquity / Lloyd P. Gerson -- Thomism / Colleen McCluskey -- The Franciscans / Thomas Williams -- Later Christian ethics / T.H. Irwin -- Nature, law, and natural law / T.H. Irwin -- Seventeenth-century moral philosophy : self-help, self-knowledge, and the Devil's Mountain / Aaron Garrett -- Rousseau and ethics / Christopher Bertram -- Utilitarianism : Bentham and Rashdall / Robert Shaver -- Rationalism / Maria Rosa Antognazza -- Rational intuitionism / Philip Stratton-Lake -- Moral sense and sentimentalism / Julia Driver -- Butler's ethics / David McNaughton -- Hume's place in the history of ethics / Annette Baier -- Adam Smith / James Otteson -- Kant's moral philosophy / Andrews Reath -- Kantian ethics / Otfried Höffe -- Post-Kantianism / Raymond Geuss -- Hegel and Marx / Terry Pinkard -- J.S. Mill / Henry R. West -- Sidgwick / Bart Schultz -- British idealist ethics / W.J. Mander -- Ethics in the analytic tradition / John Deigh -- Free will / Derk Pereboom -- Emotion and the emotions / Susan Sauvé Meyer and Adrienne M. Martin -- Happiness, suffering, and death / Richard Kraut -- Autonomy / John Christman -- Egoism, partiality, and impartiality / Brad Hooker -- Conscience, guilt, and shame / John Cottingham -- Moral psychology and virtue / Nancy Sherman -- Justice, equality, and rights / John Tasioulas -- Styles of moral relativism : a critical family tree / Miranda Fricker -- Moral metaphysics / Daniel Star -- Constructing practical ethics / Dale Jamieson.
"Philosophical ethics consists in the human endeavour to answer rationally the fundamental question of how we should live. The Oxford Handbook of the History of Ethics explores the history of philosophical ethics in the western tradition from Homer until the present day. It provides a broad overview of the views of many of the main thinkers, schools, and periods, and includes in addition essays on topics such as autonomy and impartiality. The authors are international leaders in their field, and use their expertise and specialist knowledge to illuminate the relevance of their work to discussions in contemporary ethics. The essays are specially written for this volume, and in each case introduce the reader to the main lines of interpretation and criticism that have arisen in the professional history of philosophy over the past two or three decades"--Jacket.