Ivan Gratchev, Griffith School of Engineering, Gold Coast, Southport, QLD, Australia.
Boca Raton :
CRCpress/Balkema, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group,
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1 Introduction and book organization 1.1 Rocks and rock mechanics 1.2 Book organization 2 Project description 2.1 Data from site investigation 2.2 Data from laboratory testing 2.3 Project tasks 3 Rock mass formation 3.1 The structure of the Earth and tectonic activities 3.2 Geological structures 3.3 Rock weathering 3.4 Project work: geological structures and rock weathering 3.5 Review quiz 4 Rocks and rock minerals 4.1 Rock minerals 4.2 Identification of common rock-forming minerals 4.3 Rock cycle and rock types 4.4 Identification of common rocks 4.5 Engineering problems related to rocks 4.6 Project work: analysis of rock types 4.7 Review quiz 5 Rock exploration 5.1 General considerations 5.2 Desk study 5.3 Field work 5.4 Engineering issues during site investigation 5.5 Project work: cross-section and geological units 5.6 Review quiz 6 Discontinuities in rock mass 6.1 Types of discontinuities 6.2 Joint characteristics 6.3 Problems for practice 6.4 Review quiz 7 Rock properties and laboratory data analysis 7.1 Rock properties 7.2 Laboratory tests and data analysis 7.3 Problems for practice 7.4 Review quiz 8 Stresses and failure criteria 8.1 Stresses in rock mass 8.2 Failure criteria 8.3 Project work: lab data analysis and rock properties 8.4 The Barton shear strength criterion for jointed rocks 8.5 Project work: Barton shear strength criterion for the jointed mudstone 8.6 Problems for practice 8.7 Review quiz 9 Rock mass ratings and properties 9.1 General considerations 9.2 Rock mass rating 9.3 Rock tunnel quality Q-system 9.4 Geological Strength Index 9.5 Project work: rock mass ratings 9.6 Rock mass properties 9.7 Project work: rock mass properties 9.8 Problems for practice 9.9 Review quiz 10 Rock falls 10.1 Rock falls and factors affecting them 10.2 Rock fall characteristics 10.3 Rock fall hazard assessment 10.4 Project work: rock fall hazard assessment 10.5 Rock fall protection 10.6 Project work: rock fall protection 10.7 Problems for practice 10.8 Review quiz 11 Rock slope stability 11.1 Landslide triggers and causes 11.2 Types of slope failures 11.3 Slope stability analysis 11.4 Limit equilibrium method 11.5 Project work: slope stability analysis 11.6 Slope monitoring 11.7 Stabilization and protection techniques 11.8 Problems for practice 11.9 Review questions 12 Rocks and tunnels 12.1 Behavior of rock mass in tunnels 12.2 Brittle failure of massive rock mass 12.3 Gravitational failure 12.4 Problems with disintegrated rock mass 12.5 Project work: tunnel-related problems 12.6 Problems for practice 12.7 Review quiz
"Traditional textbooks on rock mechanics often fail to engage students in the learning process as such books are packed with theory that students are unlikely to use in their future employment. In contrast, this book delivers the fundamentals of rock mechanics using a more practical and engaging project-based approach which simulates what practitioners do in their real-life practice. This book will be of great help to those who would like to learn practical aspects of rock mechanics and better understand how to apply theory to solve real engineering problems"--