Indiana-Michigan series in Russian and East European studies
Includes bibliographical references and index.
New perspectives on the Civil War / Sheila Fitzpatrick -- Civil War and the problem of social identities in early twentieth-century Russia / Leopold H. Haimson -- Introduction : social and demographic change in the Civil War / Diane P. Koenker -- "The city in danger" : the Civil War and the Russian urban population / Daniel R. Brower -- Urbanization and deurbanization in the Russian Revolution and Civil War / Diane P. Koenker -- The effects of the Civil War on women and family relations / Barbara Evans Clements -- Commentary : the elements of social and demographic change in Civil War Russia / William G. Rosenberg -- Introduction : Bolshevik efforts at state building / Victoria E. Bonnell -- The Petrograd First City District Soviet during the Civil War / Alexander Rabinowitch -- Bread without the Bourgeoisie / Mary McAuley -- State building in the Civil War era : the role of lower-middle strata / Daniel T. Orlovsky -- The rationalization of state kontrol' / Thomas F. Remington -- Commentary : Administration and state building / Ronald Grigor Suny -- Introduction : the Bolsheviks and the intelligentsia / Peter Kenez -- The professoriate in the Russian Civil War / James C. McClelland -- Natural scientists and the Soviet system / Kendall E. Bailes -- Intellectuals in the Proletkult : problems of authority and expertise / Lynn Mally -- Commentary : the Revolution and the intellectuals / Diane P. Koenker -- Introduction : workers and Socialists / Allan K. Wildman -- Social Democrats in power : Menshevik Georgia and the Russian Civil War / Ronald Grigor Suny -- The social background to Tsektran / William C. Rosenberg -- Commentary : circumstance and political will in the Russian Civil War / Reginald E. Zelnik -- The legacy of the Civil War / Sheila Fitzpatrick -- The Civil War : dynamics and legacy / Moshe Lewin.
Party, state, and society in the Russian Civil War.
Socialism-- Soviet Union.
Socialisme-- URSS-- Histoire.
Bürgerkrieg-- russischer.
Gesellschaft-- Sowjetunion-- Geschichte 1917-1945.