Greece. The Persian Wars (Herodotus, ca. 484-ca. 424 B.C.) -- History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides, ca. 460-ca. 395 B.C.) -- Rome. Lives of the Caesars (Gaius Suetonius Tranqullus, ca. 69-ca. 140) -- The Jugurthine War (Sallust, 86-34 B.C.) -- Judaism and Christianity. The Jewish War (Flavius Josephus, A.D. 37-ca. 100) -- The City of God (Augustine of Hippo, A.D. 354-430) -- Byzantium. Secret history (Procopius, ca. 500-ca. 554) -- Islam. The rare and excellent history of Saladin (Bahaʼ al-Din Ibn Shaddad, 1145-1235) -- Medieval Europe. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (anonymous, early Christian era to 1154) -- The life of Saint Louis (Jean de Joinville, 1225-1317) -- Renaissance Europe. Discourse on the forgery of the alleged donation of Constantine (Lorenzo Valla, 1406-1457) -- Method for the easy comprehension of history (Jean Bodin, 1530-1596) -- Reformation Europe. Historical and critical dictionary (Pierre Bayle, 1647-1706) -- On diplomatics (Jean Mabillon, 1632-1707) -- Eighteenth-century Europe. The age of Louis XIV (Voltaire, or Françoise-Marie Arouet, 1694-1778) -- The decline and fall of the Roman Empire (Edward Gibbon, 1737-1794) -- Reflections on the philosophy of the history of mankind (Johann Gottfried Herder, 1744-1803) -- Nineteenth-century Europe. History of the popes, their church and state (Leopold von Ranke, 1795-1886) -- Mohammed and Charlemagne (Henri Pirenne, 1862-1935) -- Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (Jacob Burckhardt, 1818-1897) -- Popular account of discoveries at Nineveh (Austen Henry Layard, 1817-1894) -- History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe (William Lecky, 1838-1903) -- The life of Jesus critically examined (David Friedrich Strauss, 1808-1874) -- Inaugural lecture on the study of history (John Dalberg-Acton, 1834-1902) -- The provinces of the Roman Empire from Caesar to Diocletian (Theodor Mommsen, 1817-1903) -- China. Tai Chen on Mencius: explorations in words and meanings (Tai Chen, 1724-1777) -- Traditional government in imperial China: a critical analysis (Chʼien Mu, 1895-1990) -- Japan. An outline of a theory of civilization (Fukuzawa Yukichi, 1835-1901) -- The culture of the Meiji Era (Irokawa Daikichi, 1925- ) -- India. Culture, ideology, hegemony: intellectuals and social consciousness in colonial India (K.N. Panikkar, 1936- ) -- Elementary aspects of peasant insurgency in colonial India (Ranajit Guha, 1922- ) -- Africa. The African experience (Vincent Khapoya, 1944- ) -- Pan-African history: political figures from Africa and the Diaspora since 1787 (Hakim Adi and Marika Sherwood) -- Twentieth-century Europe and America. The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism (Max Weber, 1864-1920) -- The great chain of being: a study of the history of an idea (Arthur O. Lovejoy, 1873-1962) -- Technics and civilization (Lewis Mumford, 1895-1990) -- Religion and the decline of magic: studies in popular beliefs in sixteenth- and seventeenth century England (Keith Thomas, 1933- ) -- The heavenly city of the eighteenth century philosophers (Carl Lotus Becker, 1873-1945) -- The grand titration: science and society in East and West (Joseph Needham, 1900-1995) -- The majority finds its past: placing women in history (Gerda Lerner, 1920- ) -- The American political tradition and the men who made it (Richard Hofstadter, 1916-1970) -- Inventing human rights: a history (Lynn Hunt) -- The hour of our death (Philippe Ariès, 1914-1984) -- Intellectual origins of the English Revolution (Christopher Hill, 1912-2003) -- From slavery to freedom: a history of African Americans (John Hope Franklin, 1915-2009) -- Orientalism: Western conceptions of the Orient (Edward W. Said, 1935-2003) -- The history of sexuality, volume 1: an introduction (Michel Foucault, 1926-1984) -- Young Man Luther: a study in psychoanalysis and history (Erik H. Erikson, 1902-1994) -- Metahistory: the historical imagination in nineteenth-century Europe (Hayden White, 1928- ) -- The world of Odysseus (M.I. Finley, 1912-1986).
Each of these texts represents at least one of these categories: early examples of historiography (e.g. Herodotus and Augustine); non-western works (e.g. Shaddad and Fukuzawa); 'critical' historiography (e.g. Mabillon and Ranke); history of minorities, neglected groups or subjects (e.g. Said and Needham); broad sweeps of history (e.g. Mumford and Hofstadter); and problematic or unconventional historiography (e.g. Foucault and White).