Textual Note -- Preface -- 1 A Reception History -- 2 "Sensations" and "Ideas" -- 3 Psychoanalysis and Aestheticism -- 4 A Supplement to the History of Modernism and Psychoanalysis -- 5 Strachey the Apostle -- 6 Freud and Foucault -- 7 Representation and Resistance in Mansfield, James, and Hardy -- 8 Biography and Literary History -- 9 The Ontology of the Pornographic Image -- 10 Freud, Bakhtin, Shakespeare -- Works Cited -- Index.
Meisel argues that Freud's texts are properly literary, and casts Freud as both literary theoretician and practitioner. After an introductory reception history of Freud as literature, Meisel provides a series of close readings of Freud's major texts that take literary representation as their central focus.