Cover; Half Title; Title; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1 Educational Expansion as Secular Process; 1.1 Time Series in Comparison; 1.2 Competing Theories of Educational Expansion; 1.3 Expansion as a Cyclical Process; 1.4 Time-Series Analysis; 1.5 Educational Expansion and Choice of Academic Discipline; 2 Educational Expansion and Social Background; 2.1 Processes of Social Closure 1870-1934; 2.2 Social Selection in the Secondary School System; 2.3 The Social Profile of University Subjects; 2.4 Choice of University Subject and Social Background.
3 The Opposition to Educational Expansion3.1 Unemployed University Graduates During the Depression; 3.2 Countermeasures I: Prologue; 3.3 Countermeasures II: The Hour of the Radicals; 4 Institutional and Social Differentiation in Higher Education; 4.1 Elite and Mass Education; 4.2 Expansion and Differentiation in the School and the University; 4.3 Differentiation by Sector, Subject, and Geographical Segregation; 4.4 Economic Recession and Institutional Differentiation; 4.5 Structural Transformations in Higher Education; 4.6 Social Differentiation in Higher Education.
5 From Patronage to Meritocracy5.1 Meritocracy and Educational Expansion; 5.2 Symbiotic Relationships; 5.3 The Spoils System: Domination of the Bureaucracy by Political Parties; 5.4 The Grandes Ã#x89;coles and Government Bureaucracy in France; 5.5 The Crisis of the Prussian Bureaucracy; 5.6 The Japanese Examination System; 6 Expansion in Higher Education 1960-1990; 6.1 The Gender Gap in Higher Education; 6.2 Choice of Major Field of Study; 6.3 The ""Iron Law"" of Social Reproduction; Appendix to Chapter 6: Unemployment of Qualified Workers in Germany and the United States.
7 Cyclical Variations in Higher Education7.1 Long Cycles; 7.2 Higher Education and the Business Cycle: Independence or Interrelationship?; 7.3 Trend, Cycle, and Chance; 7.4 Results of Spectral Analysis; 7.5 Variation of the Filter; 7.6 The Strength of Spectral Analysis; Appendix to Chapter 7; 8 Conclusions; 8.1 Who Benefited by Educational Expansion?; 8.2 The Circulation of Elites; 8.3 Processes of Social Closure; 8.4 What Has Changed?; Notes; Appendix I: Sources; Appendix II: Enrollment Rates in Higher Education 1850-1992; References; Index; About the Book and Author.
As a central institution that ensures equality of opportunity and social justice, the university is the most important channel of social mobility in modern societies. Over the past century, universities have assumed an important role in the political and cultural emancipation of women, minorities, and the lower socioeconomic classes. This expansion in educational institutions was not an isolated event in the years after the World War II, but rather a phase in a longer, secular process of modernization which started in the late nineteenth century and continues up to the present day. Expansion and Structural Change explores this development, focusing on the social background of students and the institutional transformation of higher education in several countries. Who have been the beneficiaries of this remarkable process of educational expansion? Has it made Western society more open, mobile, and democratic? These questions are analyzed from a historical perspective which takes into account the institutional change of universities during this century. Based on archival data for the United States, Germany, Japan, France, and Italy, this study combines both comparative and historical perspectives. It documents the political struggle of different social groups for access to univeristies, as well as the meritocratic selection for higher status positions. This work will be an indispensable reference for anyone searching for a comparative and historical analysis of higher education in the most advanced countries.