Preceded by Psychiatric and mental health nursing / [edited by] Ruth Elder, Katie Evans, Debra Nizette. 3rd edition. 2013.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Pt. 1. Preparing for psychiatric and mental health nursing -- 1. The effective nurse / Louise O'Brien -- 2. Recovery as the context for practice / Vicki Stanton, Barbara Tooth and Simon Champ -- 3. Historical foundations / Katie Evans -- 4. Professional, legal and ethical issues / Phil Maude and Anthony O'Brien -- 5. Settings for mental health / Julie Sharrock, Phil Maude, Lina Wilson and Michael Olasoji -- Pt. 2. Influences on mental health -- 6. Mental health theory and influence across the lifespan / Debra Nizette and Patricia Barkway -- 7. Trauma, crisis, loss and grief / Rachel Rossiter and Robin Scott -- 8. Physical health / Andrew Watkins and Tanya Park -- Pt. 3. The people with whom mental health nurses work -- 9. Mental health and wellness in Australia and New Zealand / Wendy Cross, Kim Ryan, Anne Brebner and Tish Siaosi -- 10. Working with families in mental health / Kim Foster, Kim Usher and Kerry Hawkins -- 11. Indigenous mental health in Australia and New Zealand / Deanne Hellsten and Hineroa Hakiaha -- 12. Disorders of childhood and adolescence / Deb O'Kane and Kristin Henderson -- 13. Mental disorders of older age / Wendy Moyle -- 14. Intellectual disabilities / Charles Harmon, Philip Petrie and Chris Taua -- 15. Forensic mental health nursing / Brian McKenna, Tessa Maguire and Trish Martin -- Pt. 4. Mental disorders that people experience -- 16. Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders / Katie Evans -- 17. Mood disorders / Peter Athanasos -- 18. Personality disorders / Michelle Cleary and Toby Raeburn -- 19. Anxiety, trauma and stress-related disorders / Anna Elders -- 20. Eating disorders / Gail Anderson and Peta Marks -- 21. Substance use and comorbid mental health disorders / Peter Athanasos -- Pt. 5. What mental health nurses can do to help -- 22. Mental health promotion, prevention and primary healthcare / Tom Meehan -- 23. Assessment in mental health nursing / Anthony O'Brien and Mandy Allman -- 24. Challenging behaviour, risk and responses / Scott Brunero and Scott Lamont -- 25. Therapeutic interventions / Christine Palmer -- 26. Psychopharmacology / Kim Usher.
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing has established itself as Australia and New Zealand's foremost mental health nursing text and is an essential resource for all undergraduate nursing students. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect current research and changing attitudes about mental health, mental health services and mental health nursing in Australia and New Zealand. Set within a recovery and consumer-focused framework, this text provides vital information for approaching the most familiar disorders mental health nurses and students will see in clinical practice, along with helpful suggestions about what the mental health nurse can say and do to interact effectively with consumers and their families. --
Psychiatric and mental health nursing (Elder)
Psychiatric nursing-- Australia.
Psychiatric nursing-- New Zealand.
Psychiatric nursing.
Mental Disorders-- nursing.
Nursing Assessment.
Psychiatric Nursing-- methods.
Health services - Health workers - Nurses and nursing.