Why do we have to keep talking about sex all the time? -- What makes "good sex" good? -- Is it still adultery if the spouse has Alzheimer's? -- Is same-sex marriage a "must" or a "bust?" -- Why don't batterers just leave and rapists just "cease and desist?" -- Is "pro-choice" what we mean to say? -- What do we have to learn from, as well as teach, young people about sex?
Ethical reflection about sexuality is increasingly controversial, complex, and conflicted. After centuries of conflicting messages from the tradition, Christians are understandably confused about how exactly the good news pertains to sexuality. Using a series of provocative questions, Marvin Ellison, a pioneer in contemporary Christian rethinking of sexuality and sexual ethics, attempts to increase readers' skills and confidence for engaging in ethical deliberation about sexuality. Redrawing the conventional, rule-based sexual morality, often rigidly and legalistically applied or broadly ignor.