Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science,
2198-4204 ;
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Preface; Purpose of the Present Book; Empirical and Historical Background: Globalization and Digitalization; Preliminary Analysis of Globalization, Trade, and Digitalization: A Brief History; Structure of the Book; Summary; Acknowledgments; Contents; About the Contributors; Part I: Capability-Architecture Frameworks to Explain Globalization and Digitalization; A Design-Information-Flow View of Industries, Firms, and Sites; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Purpose and Scope of This Book; 1.2 Some Basic Ideas on the Evolution of Firms and Industries; 1.2.1 Product, Site, Industry, and Firm
1.2.2 Manufacturing as Flows of Design Information1.2.3 Manufacturing Site as Economic Agency; 1.2.4 Competition and Competitiveness as Driving Forces; 1.2.5 Evolution of Capabilities and Architectures; 2 A Framework for Analyzing Industrial Competitiveness; 2.1 Industrial Competitive Analysis: A Missing Link in Modern Economics; 2.2 Economy, Industry, Firm, and Site Revisited; 2.3 The Capability-Architecture-Performance Framework of Industrial Evolution; 2.3.1 Manufacturing as Design Information Flows Among Productive Resources; 2.3.2 Competitive Performance of Industries, Firms, and Sites
10 Main Features of Cost Competition10.1 Three Meanings of the Near Equation; 10.2 The Japanese Experience After the Chinese Reform and Opening-Up; 10.3 The Case Where Material Input Costs Are the Same; 10.4 The Case Where Material Costs Are Different; 10.5 Comparative Cost Criterion; 11 Competition with Large Wage Rate Handicaps; 12 Wage Rate Movements; 13 Overall Patterns of Specialization; 13.1 Transportation Costs; 13.2 Fine Product Differentiation; 13.3 Emulation Effect; 14 Some Notes on the Demand Side; 15 Conclusions; References; Product Variety for Effective Demand Creation
2.3.3 Organizational Capabilities of Manufacturing Sites2.3.4 Architectures of Products and Processes; 2.3.5 Basic Types of Architectures: Modular, Integral, Open, and Closed; 2.4 Architectural Positioning Strategy; 2.4.1 Internal and External Architectures; 2.4.2 Architectural Positioning Matrix; 2.4.3 Competition Among Open-Inside Platforms; 2.4.4 Product-Based Industry and Platform-Based Industry; 3 Implications and Conclusions; 3.1 Summary of the Evolutionary Framework; 3.2 Comparative Advantage in Production/Design Cost; 3.3 Evolution of Industries, Firms, and Sites
3.4 Between New and Old TheoriesAppendix: The Case of Postwar Japan-Capability-Building and Architectural Fit; References; The Nature of International Competition Among Firms; 1 Introduction; 2 A Brief Account of Traditional Trade Theories; 3 How Relative Wage Rates Are Determined (Elementary Discussion); 4 A Short Detour into Elementary Graph Theory; 5 Elementary Discussion Continued; 6 How Relative Wage Rates Are Determined (Input Trade Case); 7 Historical Nature of Regular Values; 8 A Short Remark on Technical Change; 9 A Factor Behind the Comparative Advantage Theory
"This book integrates the concept of design into the existing framework of industrial performance, international trade and comparative advantage in trade and industrial phenomena, which increasingly have been affected by design characteristics of tradable goods. Design, capability and their evolution are introduced into current theories of trade to explain the reality of international trade in the early twenty-first century and the possibility of design-based comparative advantage is explored. Toward that end, the concepts of design, architecture, organizational capability and productivity are introduced, as are their interactions and evolution. The author starts from the fact that firms' selection of design locations precedes that of production locations and that a new product's initial production location is usually the same as its design location. In other words, design matters in explaining today's trade phenomena. Thus, this book analyzes product design and its evolution in the context of the comparative advantage theory. The author argues that the concept of Ricardo's comparative advantage must be reinterpreted in a more dynamic way than in the past, with changing labor input coefficients treated as variables and driven by international capability-building competition between factories. Some of the many topics dealt with in this volume include a capability-architecture view of industrial comparative advantage, a design-based view of manufacturing, the evolution of manufacturing capabilities, Ricardian comparative advantage with changing labor input coefficients, comparative design cost and selection of design locations and a design process model behind comparative design cost. In this way, the behaviors of factories, product development projects, firms, industries and national economies in today's global competition are described and analyzed in the most realistic way."--