Cover; Half Title; Title; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Chapter 1. Plant biotechnology: A review; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Applications of biotechnology in agriculture; 1.3 Biotechnology in agriculture -- benefits and risks; 1.4 Safety and regulations; 1.5 Plant biotechnology; 1.6 Plant biotechnology helps quest for sustainability; 1.7 Role of plant biotechnology in agriculture; 1.8 Role of plant biotechnology in horticulture; 1.9 Role of plant biotechnology in medicines; 1.10 Impact of plant biotechnology in crop improvement; 1.11 Impact of plant biotechnology on forestry
3.11 Tissue culture in pharmaceuticals3.12 Hairy root cultures; 3.13 Aseptic technique; Chapter 4. Micropropagation; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Methods of micropropagation; 4.3 Important aspects of commercial micropropagation; 4.4 Micropropagation: The most commercially exploited tool of plant biotechnology; 4.5 Factors affecting micropropagation; 4.6 Advantages of micropropagation; 4.7 Cost-effectiveness in micropropagation; 4.8 Physical states of the culture medium; 4.9 Hyperhydricity or vitrification; 4.10 Mass propagation of plants through bioreactors
4.11 Bioreactor: Basic configuration of culture vessel4.12 Types of bioreactors used for micropropagation; 4.13 Advantages and disadvantages of the use of bioreactors for micropropagation; 4.14 Automation in micropropagation; Chapter 5. Germplasm storage; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Plant biotechnology and germplasm conservation; 5.3 Applications of germplasm; 5.4 Molecular conservation technologies; 5.5 Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers; Chapter 6. Haploid plants; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Androgenesis; 6.3 Gynogenesis haploid; 6.4 General gynogenesis procedures; 6.5 Ovary and ovule culture
6.6 Doubled haploids6.7 Applications of DHs plant breeding; 6.8 Advantages and disadvantages of DHs; 6.9 Androgenic haploids; Chapter 7. Triploid plants; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Role of polyploidy in plant evolution; 7.3 Formation of triploid plants; 7.4 Characteristics and application of triploid plants; 7.5 Ways to produce triploid plants; Chapter 8. In vitro pollination and fertilisation; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Types of pollination; 8.3 Plant fertilisation; 8.4 Life cycle of plants; 8.5 Collection of pollen, starch and phytoliths; Chapter 9. Protoplast isolation and culture; 9.1 Introduction
Chapter 2. Plant cell culture and development2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Concept of totipotency; 2.3 Cell-cell interactions; 2.4 Cytodifferentiation; 2.5 Plant morphogenesis; 2.6 Plant growth hormones; 2.7 Hardening of acclimatisation; Chapter 3. Plant tissue culture; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Basics of plant cell and tissue culture; 3.3 Tissue culture in agriculture; 3.4 Germplasm conservation; 3.5 Embryo culture; 3.6 Genetic transformation; 3.7 Protoplast fusion; 3.8 Haploid production; 3.9 Current and future status of plant tissue culture; 3.10 Techniques of plant tissue culture
This book summarises various aspects of plant biotechnology and is divided into 27 chapters. This edition discusses: plant cell culture and development, plant tissue culture, micropropagation, germplasm storage, haploid plants, triploid plants, in vitro pollination and fertilisation, protoplast isolation and culture, somatic cell hybridisation, synthetic seeds, plant breeding, plant derived vaccines, genetically modified foods, improving photosynthesis and crop yield, insect resistant plants, fungus resistant plants, virus resistant plants, ornamental plants, medicinal plants, recombinant DNA, molecular markers, intellectual property rights. Chapters on nanotechnology for micronutrients in soil-plant systems are a unique feature of the book.