application of cutting-edge science and technology in developing countries /
Makie Kokubun, Shuichi Asanuma, editors.
Singapore :
1 online resource
SATREPS program challenging global issues on crop production : overview -- Development of rice promising lines using genomic technology and information in Vietnam -- Development of rice breeding and cultivation technology tailored for Kenya's environment -- Development of flood and drought adaptive cropping systems in Namibia -- Improving resource utilization efficiency in rice production systems with contour-levee irrigation in Columbia -- Development of wheat breeding materials using genetic resources in Afghanistan -- Application of biotechnology to generate drought-tolerant soybean plants in Brazil : development of genetic engineering technology of crops with stress tolerance against degradation of global environment -- Sustainable management of invasive cassava pests in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand -- Improvement of food security in semiarid regions of Sudan through management of root parasitic weeds -- Bringing stability to world food supplies with Japanese tehcnology and Mexican genetic resources -- Lessons learned from SATREPS projects and perspectives.
This book presents field studies on crop production in developing countries such as Vietnam, Kenya, Namibia, Colombia, Afghanistan and Sudan. Further, it examines the achievements of SATREPS, a development assistance program sponsored by the Japanese government that promotes international joint research to address these global issues. In this context, multidisciplinary research teams consisting of breeders, physiologists, soil scientists, agronomists, and other scientists related to agricultural development worked together to tackle the challenges involved in enhancing the capacity of crop production in the respective regions. In addition to presenting novel scientific findings, this book highlights practical field studies that verify the effectiveness of the scientific findings in actual environments. The achievements will help to improve crop production worldwide, and the lessons learnt will be useful in re-designing strategies to address global issues in crop production, particularly in developing regions. Lastly, the outcomes discussed will be useful to policymakers and professionals engaged in crop production and food security in developing countries, as well as researchers and students.