Intro; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Editors; 1 Applications of Solar Thermal Technologies in the Built Environment; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Electricity Generation; 3 Hot Water Production; 4 Product Drying; 5 Cooking; 6 Clean Water Production; 7 Space Heating; 8 Space Cooling; 9 Refrigeration; 10 Summary/Conclusion; References; 2 Perspective of Solar Energy in India; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Potential of Solar Energy in India; 3 Solar Energy Status and Current Scenario in India; 3.1 An Overview of Solar Power Technologies; 3.1.1 Solar Photovoltaic Technology.
3.1.2 Solar Thermal Technology3.2 Solar Power Scenario of India; 3.2.1 State-Wise Solar Power Installed Capacity in India; 3.2.2 Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM); 3.3 Target of Solar Power in India by 2022; 3.4 Solar Power Institution and Association in India; 3.4.1 Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE); 3.4.2 Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA); 3.4.3 Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI); 3.4.4 National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE); 4 Concentrating Solar Power (CSP); 4.1 Godawari CSP Plant; 4.2 Thermal Energy Storage and Applications.
4 General Parameters Considered for Performance Evaluation of Solar Dryers4.1 Physical Parameters of the Dryer; 4.2 Thermal Performance Parameters of the Dryer; 4.3 Quality of Dried Products; 5 Conclusion; References; 4 Role of Solar Drying Systems to Mitigate CO2 Emissions in Food Processing Industries; Abstract; 1 Energy-Related CO2 Emission; 2 Energy Consumed by Food Sector; 3 Fundamentals of Drying; 4 Energy Consumed by Different Drying Technology; 5 Solar Dryers-A Case Study; 6 Reduction of CO2 Emission; 7 Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References.
4.2.1 Phase Change Materials and Their Properties4.3 Integrated Solar Thermal Power Plant at DADRI (U.P.) India; 4.4 CST Plant for Cloth Processing at Navkar Textiles; 5 The Initiatives and Acts for Promotion Solar Energy; 5.1 National Electricity Policy 2005; 5.2 National Rural Electrification Policy 2006; 6 Obstructions and Challenges; 6.1 Technical Obstructions; 6.2 Policy and Regulatory Obstructions; 6.3 Socio-economic Challenges; 7 Conclusions; References; 3 Fundamentals and Performance Evaluation Parameters of Solar Dryer; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Types of Solar Dryers.
This book focuses on recent trends in the areas of green and renewable energy, especially as applied to the carbon footprint of energy production, transmission, and use. Discussing the latest developments and advances in the materials and processes involved in energy generation, transmission, distribution and storage, with a particular focus on the management and policies related to these systems, it is a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers working in these areas.
Springer Nature
Low carbon energy supply.
Renewable energy sources.
Energy Materials.
Energy Policy, Economics and Management.
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Networks.
Renewable and Green Energy.
Renewable energy sources.
TEC-- 009070
Aye, Lu
Sharma, Atul, (Professor of environmental studies)